onorific — ONORÍFIC, Ă, onorifici, ce, adj. 1. (Despre titluri, distincţii etc.) Care aduce onoruri; acordat în semn de cinste, de respect, de consideraţie faţă de cineva. ♦ (Despre funcţii, servicii etc.) Care aduce onoare, cinste (fără a produce un profit … Dicționar Român
Traditional Ambrosian Rite — This article is about the form of the Ambrosian Rite used before the Vatican II; for an explanation of the history and of the current form of this Rite, see Ambrosian Rite. Traditional Ambrosian Rite is the form of the Ambrosian Rite used before… … Wikipedia
Ambrosian Liturgy and Rite — • The liturgy and Rite of the Church of Milan, which derives its name from St. Ambrose, Bishop of Milan (374 397) Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Ambrosian Liturgy and Rite Ambrosian Liturgy and Rite … Catholic encyclopedia
Johann Joseph Goerres — Johann Joseph Görres † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Johann Joseph Görres Born at Coblenz, in the heart of the Rhine country, 25 January, 1776; died at Munich, 29 January, 1848. He was the strongest and most gifted champion of Catholic… … Catholic encyclopedia
Psaume 103 (102) — Le verset 3 du psaume 103 en prekmure, au bas d une croix dans le village de Kétvölgy, en Hongrie. Le psaume 103 (102 selon la numérotation grecque) est attribué à David. C est une hymne à la bonté de Dieu, difficile à classer, et de datation… … Wikipédia en Français