primarie — pri·mà·rie TS polit. → elezioni primarie {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1976. ETIMO: tratto dalla loc. elezioni primarie … Dizionario italiano
primarie — s ( n, r) MUSIK förste violinist i en stråkensemble … Clue 9 Svensk Ordbok
riserve primarie — Eng. primary reserves La riserva primaria rientra tra le riserve bancarie non utilizzate per soddisfare la richiesta di credito della clientela. In questa categoria rientrano il contante in cassa, gli assegni non ancora riscossi e le riserve… … Glossario di economia e finanza
Democratic Party (Italy) leadership election, 2007 — The 2007 Democratic Party leadership election was held on 14 October 2007 in order to elect the first leader of the Democratic Party, the largest political party in Italy at the time. The election was conducted as an open primary, with all… … Wikipedia
Union for Trentino — Infobox Italian political party name english = Union for Trentino leader = Lorenzo Dellai leader1 title = Secretary leader1 name = Marco Tanas leader2 title = President leader2 name = Flavia Fontana leader3 title = leader3 name = leader4 title =… … Wikipedia
Democratic Party (Italy) leadership election, 2009 — The 2009 Democratic Party leadership election was held in July–November 2009 following the resignation of Walter Veltroni in February 2009, after 16 months as secretary of the Democratic Party (PD), the second largest political party in Italy.… … Wikipedia
Partito Democratico — Parteivorstand … Deutsch Wikipedia
Daisy Civic List — Civica Margherita Leader Lorenzo Dellai, Giorgio Lunelli Founded … Wikipedia
Neustria (Lombard) — Neustria was, according to the early medieval geographical classification, the western portion of Langobardia Major, the north central part of the Lombard Kingdom, extended from the Adda to the Western Alps and opposed to Austria. The bipartition … Wikipedia
pârgar — PÂRGÁR, pârgari, s.m. 1. (În evul mediu, în organizarea administrativă a ţărilor româneşti) Membru în sfatul administrativ al unui oraş sau al unui târg (compus din 6 până la 12 persoane). 2. (reg.; în vechea organizare administrativă) Vătăşel la … Dicționar Român