
MILITÁNT, -Ă, militanţi, -te, adj., s.m. şi f. (Persoană) care militează, care luptă intens pentru un principiu, pentru o cauză, care desfăşoară o activitate intensă într-un domeniu social, politic, cultural; luptător, combatant. – Din fr. militant.
Trimis de LauraGellner, 31.05.2004. Sursa: DEX '98

MILITÁNT s. combatant. (Un militant activ pe tărâmul culturii.)
Trimis de siveco, 05.08.2004. Sursa: Sinonime

militánt adj. m., s. m., pl. militánţi; f. sg. militántă, pl. militánte
Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic

MILITÁN//T militanttă (militantţi, militantte) şi substantival Care militează; combatant. Politică militanttă. /<fr. militant
Trimis de siveco, 22.08.2004. Sursa: NODEX

MILITÁNT, -Ă adj. Care militează pentru un principiu, pentru o cauză. // s.m. şi f. Luptător, combatant; activist. [cf. fr. militant].
Trimis de LauraGellner, 09.06.2005. Sursa: DN

MILITÁNT, -Ă adj., s. m. f. (cel) care militează; luptător, combatant. (< fr. militant)
Trimis de raduborza, 15.09.2007. Sursa: MDN

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  • militant — militant, ante [ militɑ̃, ɑ̃t ] adj. et n. • 1420; de militer 1 ♦ Relig. Qui lutte contre les tentations. Église militante (opposé à triomphante). 2 ♦ (1832) Qui lutte activement pour défendre une cause, une idée. ⇒ actif. Un syndicaliste très… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • militant — Adj erw. fremd. Erkennbar fremd (20. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus dem Partizip l. militāns, zu l. militāre (als Soldat) kämpfen , also kämpfend, kämpferisch (Militär).    Ebenso nndl. militant, ne. militant, nfrz. militant, nschw. militant,… …   Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

  • militant — militant, ante (mi li tan, tan t ) adj. 1°   Terme de théologie. Qui appartient à la milice de Jésus Christ. •   Le fidèle, toujours militant dans la vie, toujours aux prises avec l ennemi, CHATEAUBR. Génie, I, II, 3.    L Église militante, l… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • Militant — Mil i*tant, a. [L. militans, antis, p. pr. of militare to be soldier: cf. F. militant. See {Militate}.] Engaged in warfare; fighting; combating; serving as a soldier. {Mil i*tant*ly}, adv. [1913 Webster] At which command the powers militant …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • militant — [adj] aggressive, combative active, assertive, assertory, bellicose, belligerent, combating, contending, contentious, embattled, fighting, gladiatorial, in arms, martial, militaristic, military, offensive, pugnacious, pushy, quarrelsome, scrappy …   New thesaurus

  • militant — Adj. (Mittelstufe) streitbar, angriffslustig Beispiel: Er hat oft militante Reden gehalten. Kollokation: gegenüber jmdm., etw. militant eingestellt sein …   Extremes Deutsch

  • militant — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ favouring confrontational methods in support of a cause. ► NOUN ▪ a militant person. DERIVATIVES militancy noun militantly adverb …   English terms dictionary

  • militant — [mil′i tənt] adj. [ME < L militans, prp. of militare, to serve as a soldier < miles (gen. militis), soldier] 1. at war; fighting 2. ready and willing to fight; esp., vigorous or aggressive in support or promotion of a cause n. a militant… …   English World dictionary

  • militant — index aggressor, contentious, litigious, offensive (taking the initiative), pugnacious, radical (favoring drastic change), spartan Burton s Le …   Law dictionary

  • militant — *aggressive, assertive, self assertive, pushing, pushy Analogous words: bellicose, pugnacious, combative, contentious, *belligerent: combating, opposing, antagonizing or antagonistic (see corresponding verbs at RESIST): fighting, warring,… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

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