Ciocârlia (lăutăresc tune) — For other uses, see Ciocârlia (disambiguation). Ciocârlia (meaning the skylark) is a well known Romanian lăutaresc tune, composed by the Romani Romanian naist (pan flute player) Angheluş Dinicu[1][2] in the virtuosic style of the urban… … Wikipedia
Manele — For other uses, see Manea (disambiguation). Manele (from Romanian, fem. sg. manea; pl. manele, the plural form being more common) is a music style from Romania, generally associated with the Romani (Gypsy) minority, though not exclusively. The… … Wikipedia
Ciocârlia — (meaning skylark ) may refer to: Ciocârlia (lăutăresc tune), a Romanian traditional tune Fanfare Ciocărlia, a Romani (Gypsy) brass band from Romania Ciocârlia (film), a 2002 Romanian TV film Places Ciocârlia, Constanţa, a commune in Constanța… … Wikipedia
lăută — LĂÚTĂ, lăute, s.f. Instrument muzical cu coarde asemănător cu cobza; p. gener. instrument muzical cu coarde. [var.: alăútă s.f.] – Din tc. lâuta, ngr. laúto. Trimis de ionel bufu, 24.10.2008. Sursa: DEX 98 LĂÚTĂ s. v. luth … Dicționar Român