selectionist — noun Date: 1892 one who considers natural selection a fundamental factor in evolution • selectionist adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
selectionist — se·lec·tion·ist (sĭ lĕkʹshə nĭst) adj. also se·lec·tion·al ( shə nəl) Of or relating to the view that evolution or genetic variation occurs chiefly as a result of natural selection. n. One who holds or favors a selectionist view. … … Universalium
selectionist — se·lec·tion·ist sə lek sh(ə )nəst n a person who considers natural selection a fundamental factor in evolution … Medical dictionary
selectionist — se·lec·tion·ist … English syllables
selectionist — sh(ə)nə̇st noun ( s) : one who considers natural selection a fundamental factor in evolution … Useful english dictionary
Matter and Memory — (French: Matière et mémoire) (1896) is one of the four main works by the French philosopher Henri Bergson (1859 1941). Its subtitle is Essay on the relation of body and spirit , and the work presents an analysis of the classical philosophical… … Wikipedia
Neutral theory of molecular evolution — The neutral theory of molecular evolution states that the vast majority of evolutionary changes at the molecular level are caused by random drift of selectively neutral mutants (not affecting fitness).[1] The theory was introduced by Motoo Kimura … Wikipedia
History of molecular evolution — The history of molecular evolution starts in the early 20th century with comparative biochemistry , but the field of molecular evolution came into its own in the 1960s and 1970s, following the rise of molecular biology. The advent of protein… … Wikipedia
Meme — For other uses, see Meme (disambiguation). A meme ( /ˈmiː … Wikipedia
Dawkins vs. Gould — First edition cover … Wikipedia