- schistos
Trimis de blaurb, 29.11.2006. Sursa: DAR
Dicționar Român. 2013.
Dicționar Român. 2013.
SCHISTOS — inter genera haematitis gemmae, memoratur Plinio l. 36. c. 20. a venis, quibus distinguitur, nomen nactus, Salmas. ad Solin. p. 408. Graecis enim χίζειν, dividere, distinguere est. Sic aluminis genus, in capillamenta quaedam dehiscens, schiston… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
schiste — [ ʃist ] n. m. • 1742; schistos 1561; scieste h. 1554; lat. schistus, gr. skhistos « qu on peut fendre » ♦ Géol. Roche ayant acquis une structure feuilletée sous l influence de contraintes tectoniques. Schiste argileux. « les lames des schistes,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
esquisto — (Del lat. schistos lapis < gr. skhistos, rajado, dividido.) ► sustantivo masculino GEOLOGÍA Roca metamórfica de color variable que se divide con facilidad en hojas. SINÓNIMO pizarra * * * esquisto (de lat. «schistos lapis», del gr. «schistós» … Enciclopedia Universal
schist — noun Etymology: French schiste, from Latin schistos (lapis), literally, fissile stone, from Greek schistos that may be split, from schizein Date: circa 1782 a metamorphic crystalline rock that has a closely foliated structure and can be split… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Alum — This article is about the chemical compound. For other uses, see Alum (disambiguation). Bulk alum Alum ( / … Wikipedia
Vipère de la mort — Acanthophis antarcticus … Wikipédia en Français
schist — /shist/, n. any of a class of crystalline metamorphic rocks whose constituent mineral grains have a more or less parallel or foliated arrangement. [1775 85; < NL schistus, L (lapis) schistos < Gk schistós divided, curdled, divisible, deriv. of… … Universalium
schist — [[t]ʃɪst[/t]] n. pet any of a class of crystalline metamorphic rocks whose constituent mineral grains have a more or less parallel or foliated arrangement • Etymology: 1775–85; < NL schistus, L (lapis) schistos < Gk schistós divided,… … From formal English to slang
schist — /ʃɪst / (say shist) noun any of a class of crystalline rocks whose constituent minerals have a more or less parallel or foliated arrangement, due mostly to metamorphic action. {French schiste, from Latin schistos fissile, readily splitting, from… …
schist — [shist] n. [Fr schiste < L schistos (lapis), split (stone) < Gr schistos, easily cleft < schizein, to cleave: see SCHIZO ] any of a group of metamorphic rocks containing parallel layers of flaky minerals, as mica or talc, and splitting… … English World dictionary