barbiturism — /bahr bich euh riz euhm/, n. Pathol. chronic poisoning caused by the excessive use of phenobarbital, secobarbital, or other derivative of barbituric acid. Also, barbitalism, barbituism /bahr bich ooh iz euhm/. [BARBITUR(IC) + ISM] * * * … Universalium
barbiturism — Chronic poisoning by any of the derivatives of barbituric acid; symptoms, which are not very distinctive, include cutaneous eruption accompanied by chills, fever, and headache. * * * bar·bi·tur·ism bär bich ə .riz əm, bär bə chə n a condition… … Medical dictionary
barbiturism — Synonyms and related words: a habit, acquired tolerance, acute alcoholism, addictedness, addiction, alcoholism, amphetamine withdrawal symptoms, barbiturate addiction, chain smoking, chronic alcoholism, cocainism, crash, craving, dependence,… … Moby Thesaurus
barbiturism — n. poisoning caused by an overdose of barbiturates (sedatives or hypnotic drugs) … English contemporary dictionary
barbiturism — n. addiction to drugs of the barbiturate group. Signs of intoxication include confusion, slurring of speech, yawning, sleepiness, loss of memory, loss of balance, and reduction in muscular reflexes. Withdrawal of the drugs must be undertaken… … The new mediacal dictionary
barbiturism — /bahr bich euh riz euhm/, n. Pathol. chronic poisoning caused by the excessive use of phenobarbital, secobarbital, or other derivative of barbituric acid. Also, barbitalism, barbituism /bahr bich ooh iz euhm/. [BARBITUR(IC) + ISM] … Useful english dictionary
Барбитуризм (Barbiturism) — болезненное пристрастие к лекарственным веществам из группы барбитуратов. Основными признаками интоксикации являются: спутанность сознания, неразборчивая речь, зевота, сонливость, нарушение памяти и чувства равновесия, а также снижение мышечных… … Медицинские термины
БАРБИТУРИЗМ — (barbiturism) болезненное пристрастие к лекарственным веществам из группы барбитуратов. Основными признаками интоксикации являются: спутанность сознания, неразборчивая речь, зевота, сонливость, нарушение памяти и чувства равновесия, а также… … Толковый словарь по медицине
barbitalism — /bahr bi taw liz euhm, tal iz /, n. Pathol. barbiturism. [BARBITAL + ISM] * * * … Universalium
barbiturate — A derivative of barbituric acid, including phenobarbital and others, that act as CNS depressants and are used for their tranquilizing, hypnotic, and anti seizure effects; most barbiturates have the potential for abuse. * * * bar·bi·tu·rate bär… … Medical dictionary