
abietín s. n. substanţă răşinoasă extrasă din lemnul de brad, sub formă de cristale incolore, solubile în apă şi alcool. (< fr. abiétin)
Trimis de tavi, 08.01.2003. Sursa: MDN

abietín s. n. (sil. -bi-e-)
Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic

ABIETÍN s.n. Substanţă răşinoasă extrasă din lemnul de brad, care se prezintă sub formă de cristale incolore, solubile în apă şi alcool. [pron. -bi-e-. / < fr. abiétin].
Trimis de LauraGellner, 11.12.2005. Sursa: DN

Dicționar Român. 2013.

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  • abiétin — ⇒ABIÉTIN, INE, adj. BOT. [En parlant des plantes] Qui présente certains caractères des abies (cf. ce mot) : • Se dit des plantes qui, par la disposition de leurs parties, imitent une feuille de sapin, ou des plantes parasites qui croissent sur… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • Abietin — is a resin obtained from Strasburg turpentine or Canada balsam. It is without taste or smell, is insoluble in water, but soluble in alcohol (especially at the boiling point), in strong acetic acid, and in ether …   Wikipedia

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  • abietin — abietin(e Chem. (ˈæbɪətɪn) [f. L. abiet em fir + ine, repr. Gr. ινη, female descendant.] A neutral resin extracted from Strasburg turpentine or Canada balsam, products of two species of abies, or fir …   Useful english dictionary

  • abietin — noun A resin obtained from Strasburg turpentine or Canada balsam. It is without taste or smell, is insoluble in water, but soluble in alcohol (especially at the boiling point), in strong acetic acid, and in ether …   Wiktionary

  • Abietin — Abi|e|tin das; s <zu lat. abies, Gen. abietis »Tanne«, u. ↑...in> Harzstoff aus Terpentin …   Das große Fremdwörterbuch

  • Abietine — Abietin Ab i*e*tin, Abietine Ab i*e*tine, n. [See {Abietene}.] (Chem.) A resinous obtained from Strasburg turpentine or Canada balsam. It is without taste or smell, is insoluble in water, but soluble in alcohol (especially at the boiling point),… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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