- rahio
- RAHI(O)-, -RAHÍE elem. "coloană vertebrală, rahis". (< fr. rachi/o/-, -rachie, cf. gr. rhachis)Trimis de raduborza, 15.09.2007. Sursa: MDN
Dicționar Român. 2013.
Dicționar Român. 2013.
Tav Prasad Swaiye — Sudha Swayas: is a prayer composed by Guru Gobind Singh, the tenth Sikh Guru. This sacred hymn tells us how to worship and realise God. This Bani appears in the Dasam Granth on pages 13 to 15.Below is the English Transliteration and… … Wikipedia
Amrit Savaiye — Sudha Swayas was composed by Guru Gobind Singh to give an opinion on how to worship God. This Bani appears in the Dasam Granth on pages 13 to 15.TranslationBelow is the English transliteration and translation:*Ik Oangkar waheguru ji ki fateh.… … Wikipedia
Nanak Singh — (July 4, 1897 – 1971), born Hans Raj, was a poet, songwriter and novelist in the Punjabi language. His writing in support of India s independence movement led the British to arrest him. He published several novels which won him literary acclaim.… … Wikipedia