
AUDITÁ, auditéz, vb. I. tranz. A realiza operaţia de audit. A audita documentele contabile. A audita o firmă. (< audit + suf. -a; cf. engl. audit < engl. med. < lat. auditus = auzire, ascultare < lat. audire = a auzi, a asculta) [în DOOM 2; def. şi et. MW]
Trimis de tavi, 13.09.2007. Sursa: Neoficial

Dicționar Român. 2013.

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  • Audita tremendi — was a papal bull issued by Pope Gregory VIII on October 29, 1187, calling for the Third Crusade. It was issued just days after Gregory had succeeded Urban III as pope, in response to the defeat of the Kingdom of Jerusalem at the Battle of Hattin… …   Wikipedia

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  • Audita querela — is a writ which lies for a party against whom judgment is recovered, but to whom good matter of discharge has subsequently accrued which could not have been availed of to prevent such judgment.References*Webster s Revised Unabridged Dictionary… …   Wikipedia

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  • audita querela — au̇|dēd.əkwəˈrālə noun Etymology: Latin, the complaint having been heard : a largely disused or abolished common law writ lying for a party against whom judgment is recovered but to whom facts constituting a good basis for discharge have… …   Useful english dictionary

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  • audita querela — /odayta kwariyla/ The name of a common law writ constituting the initial process in an action brought by a judgment defendant to obtain relief against the consequences of the judgment on account of some matter of defense or discharge arising… …   Black's law dictionary

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