pancosmism — n. belief that nothing exists beyond the material universe. ♦ pancosmic, a. pertaining to pancosmism, or to universe in its entirety … Dictionary of difficult words
pancosmism — theory that the material universe is all that exists Philosophical Isms … Phrontistery dictionary
pancosmism — pan·cos·mism … English syllables
pancosmism — Панкосмизм … Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов
pancosmism — panˈkäzˌmizəm noun Etymology: pan + Greek kosmos order, universe + ism : the theory that the material universe or cosmos in time and space is all that exists … Useful english dictionary
pancosmisme — [ pɑ̃kɔsmism ] n. m. • 1951; angl. pancosmism (1865); de pan et du gr. kosmos ♦ Philos. Doctrine selon laquelle toute réalité est contenue dans le monde sous une forme matérielle. pancosmisme [pɑ̃kɔsmism] n. m. ÉTYM. 1951; pancosmism en angl.,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
pancosmic — (ˈ)pan+ adjective Etymology: pan + cosmic 1. : affecting or relating to the cosmos as a whole 2. [pancosmism + ic] : of or relating to pancosmism pantheism in … its pancosmic or acosmic form Aldous Huxley … Useful english dictionary
Philosophical Isms — Here are 234 different isms, each representing a philosophical, political or moral doctrine or a belief system. In selecting terms for the list, I have deliberately avoided any word which apply ism to a personal name, so that Marxism doesn t… … Phrontistery dictionary
Панкосмизм — ♦ (ENG pancosmism) философская теория, объясняющая все вещи и явления исходя из действий космических сил. Она исключает всякую необходимость в божественном существе или Боге … Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов