
PALÁCE s.n. v. palas.
Trimis de LauraGellner, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DN

Dicționar Român. 2013.

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  • palace — [ palas ] n. m. • 1905; mot angl., du fr. palais ♦ Grand hôtel de luxe. « L hôtel de luxe est ce qu on appelle un “palace”, réservé en principe à une clientèle riche » (Leiris). Descendre dans un palace. Fam. Mener la vie de palace. ● palace nom… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Palace — Pal ace (p[a^]l [asl]s; 48), n. [OE. palais, F. palais, fr. L. palatium, fr. Palatium, one of the seven hills of Rome, on which Augustus had his residence. Cf. {Paladin}.] [1913 Webster] 1. The residence of a sovereign, including the lodgings of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Palace — BrE the Palace an informal name for Buckingham Palace, used especially to mean the British queen or king and his/her advisers ▪ A spokesman for the Palace confirmed that Her Majesty would be visiting South Africa next year …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • palace — (n.) late 13c., official residence of an emperor, king, archbishop, etc., from O.Fr. palais, from M.L. palacium a palace, from L. palatium palace (Cf. Sp. palacio, It. palazzo), from Mons Palatinus the Palatine Hill, one of the seven hills of… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Palace — ist das englische Wort für Palast ein Pseudonym des US amerikanischen Alternative Country Musikers Will Oldham Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung mehrerer mit demselben Wort bezeichneter Begriffe …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • palace — [n] royal or enormous home alcazar, castle, chateau, dwelling, hall, manor, mansion, official residence, royal residence; concept 516 …   New thesaurus

  • palace — ► NOUN ▪ a large, impressive building forming the official residence of a sovereign, president, archbishop, etc. ORIGIN Old French paleis, from Latin Palatium, the name of the Palatine hill in Rome, where the house of the emperor was situated …   English terms dictionary

  • palace — [pal′əs] n. [ME palais < OFr < L palatium, after Palatium, one of the Seven Hills of Rome, where Augustus lived] 1. the official residence of a king, emperor, bishop, etc. 2. any large, magnificent house or building 3. a large, ornate place …   English World dictionary

  • Palace — A palace is a grand residence, especially the home of a head of state or some other high ranking public figure. In many parts of Europe, the term is also applied to relatively large urban buildings built as the private mansions of the aristocracy …   Wikipedia

  • palace — palaced, adj. palacelike, adj. palaceward, adv. /pal is/, n. 1. the official residence of a king, queen, bishop, or other sovereign or exalted personage. 2. a large and stately mansion or building. 3. a large and usually ornate place for… …   Universalium

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