- orgasmic
- orgásmic adj. m., pl. orgásmici; f. sg. orgásmică, pl. orgásmiceTrimis de siveco, 26.08.2008. Sursa: Dicţionar ortograficORGÁSMIC, -Ă adj. orgastic. (< fr. orgasmique)Trimis de raduborza, 15.09.2007. Sursa: MDN
Dicționar Român. 2013.
Dicționar Român. 2013.
Orgasmic — en concert avec TTC (2007) Orgasmic, de son vrai nom Cédric Caillol, versaillais né en 1978, est DJ et producteur français de rap et d électro. Orgasmic est actuellement membre du groupe TTC. Il est également membre de la SuperFamilleConne et f … Wikipédia en Français
orgasmic — ► ADJECTIVE 1) relating to orgasm. 2) informal very enjoyable. DERIVATIVES orgasmically adverb … English terms dictionary
orgasmic — [[t]ɔː(r)gæ̱zmɪk[/t]] 1) ADJ: usu ADJ n Orgasmic means relating to a sexual orgasm. Testosterone does not increase their erectile or orgasmic ability. 2) ADJ: usu ADJ n Some people refer to things they find extremely enjoyable or exciting as… … English dictionary
orgasmic — adjective a) of or related to the orgasm It must be an orgasmic experience to be an astronaut and see the earth as a little, colourful marble surrounded by blackness. b) exceedingly exciting or stimulating; See Also: orgasm … Wiktionary
orgasmic — or|gas|mic [o:ˈgæzmık US o:r ] adj 1.) informal extremely exciting or enjoyable ▪ an orgasmic experience 2.) relating to orgasm … Dictionary of contemporary English
Orgasmic Birth: The Best-Kept Secret — Directed by Debra Pascali Bonaro Produced by Debra Pascali Bonaro Kris Liem Music by John McDowell Sabina Sciubba Editing by … Wikipedia
Orgasmic Nightmare — Studio album by Demented Are Go Released 1991 … Wikipedia
Orgasmic platform — The orgasmic platform is the tissues of the outer third of the vagina, labeled by Masters and Johnson. They swell considerably, and the pubococcygeus muscle tightens, reducing the diameter of the opening of the vagina. During orgasm, women… … Wikipedia
orgasmic disorders — [DSM IV] sexual dysfunctions characterized by inhibited or premature orgasm; see female orgasmic d., male orgasmic d., and premature ejaculation … Medical dictionary
orgasmic — adjective see orgasm I … New Collegiate Dictionary