- nociceptor
- NOCICEPTÓR s. m. receptor al stimulaţiilor externe sau interne dureroase. (< fr. nocicepteur)Trimis de raduborza, 15.09.2007. Sursa: MDN
Dicționar Român. 2013.
Dicționar Român. 2013.
nociceptor — m. neurol. Terminación nerviosa que actúa como sensor de los estímulos dolorosos. Medical Dictionary. 2011. nociceptor Terminaci … Diccionario médico
Nociceptor — A nociceptor is a sensory receptor that responds to potentially damaging stimuli by sending nerve signals to the spinal cord and brain. This process, called nociception, usually causes the perception of pain. Contents 1 History 2 Location 3… … Wikipedia
nociceptor — noun Date: 1967 a receptor (as in the skin) for nociceptive stimuli ; a pain sense organ … New Collegiate Dictionary
Nociceptor — Ein Nozizeptor (von lat. nocere „schaden“) – auch als Nozirezeptor bezeichnet – ist ein Rezeptor, der auf eine drohende oder eingetretene Verletzung des Körpergewebes reagiert. Entsprechend ihrem Axondurchmesser und ihrer spezifischen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
nociceptor — Pain receptor. Many nociceptors respond to capsaicin … Dictionary of molecular biology
nociceptor — no·ci·cep·tor (nō sĭ sĕpʹtər) n. A sensory receptor that responds to pain. [Latin nocēre, to hurt; see nocent + receptor.] * * * … Universalium
nociceptor — noun A sensory receptor that sends signals that cause the perception of pain in response to a potentially damaging stimulus. See Also: nociception … Wiktionary
nociceptor — A peripheral nerve organ or mechanism for the reception and transmission of painful or injurious stimuli. [noci + L. capio, to take] * * * no·ci·cep·tor sep tər n a receptor for injurious or painful stimuli: a pain sense organ * * * n. a … Medical dictionary
nociceptor — [ nəʊsɪˌsɛptə] noun Physiology a sensory receptor that reacts to painful stimuli. Derivatives nociceptive adjective Origin early 20th cent.: from L. nocere to harm + receptor … English new terms dictionary
nociceptor — no·ci·cep·tor … English syllables