- montanistic
- MONTANÍSTIC adj. v. muntos.Trimis de siveco, 13.09.2007. Sursa: Sinonimemontanístic adj. m., pl. montanístici; f. sg. montanístică, pl. montanísticeTrimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic
Dicționar Român. 2013.
Dicționar Român. 2013.
Montanistic — Montanist Mon ta*nist, n. (Eccl. Hist.) A follower of Mintanus, a Phrygian enthusiast of the second century, who claimed that the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete, dwelt in him, and employed him as an instrument for purifying and guiding men in the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
montanistic — mon·ta·nis·tic … English syllables
montanistic — adjective see montanist II * * * Montanistˈic adjective • • • Main Entry: ↑Montanism … Useful english dictionary
Testamentum Domini — ( Testament of our Lord ) is a book contained in an 8th century MS. at Paris.Extracts were published by Paul de Lagarde in 1856 [Reliquiae iuris ecclesiastici antiquissimae 80 89.] ; and a Latin fragment, edited by Montague James, appeared in… … Wikipedia
Tertullian — A woodcut illustration depicting Tertullian Quintus Septimius Florens Tertullianus, anglicised as Tertullian (c. 160 – c. 220 AD),[1] was a prolific early Christian author from Carthage in the Roman province of Africa.[2] He is the fir … Wikipedia
Christian mysticism in ancient Africa — Africa s Christian mysticism took form in the desert, as part of a long reaching Judeo Christian mystical tradition. In the Judeo Christian mystical tradition, the desert is known to induce religious experiences and altered states of… … Wikipedia
Hierarchy of the Early Church — • The word hierarchy is used here to denote the three grades of bishop, priest, and deacon (ministri) Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Hierarchy of the Early Church Hierarchy of the Early Church … Catholic encyclopedia
Millennium and Millenarianism — • At the end of time Christ will return in all His splendour to gather together the just, to annihilate hostile powers, and to found a glorious kingdom on earth for the enjoyment of the highest spiritual and material blessings; He Himself will… … Catholic encyclopedia
apocryphal — Synonyms and related words: Albigensian, Arian, Catharist, Donatist, Ebionitist, Erastian, Gnostic, Jansenist, Jansenistic, Jovinianist, Jovinianistic, Lollard, Manichaean, Monophysite, Monophysitic, Montanist, Montanistic, Pelagian, Sabellian,… … Moby Thesaurus
erroneous — Synonyms and related words: Albigensian, Arian, Catharist, Donatist, Ebionitist, Erastian, Gnostic, Jansenist, Jansenistic, Jovinianist, Jovinianistic, Lollard, Manichaean, Monophysite, Monophysitic, Montanist, Montanistic, Pelagian, Sabellian,… … Moby Thesaurus