
MOLÁR1, molari, adj. (În sintagma) Dinte molar (şi substantivat, m.) = dinte mare cu suprafaţa lată, cu mai multe rădăcini, care serveşte la sfărâmarea şi măcinarea alimentelor; măsea. – Din fr. molaire.
Trimis de LauraGellner, 03.06.2004. Sursa: DEX '98

MOLÁR2, -Ă, molari, -e, adj. (chim.) Care aparţine molului1, privitor la mol1. – Din fr. molaire.
Trimis de LauraGellner, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX '98

MOLÁR s. v. măsea.
Trimis de siveco, 13.09.2007. Sursa: Sinonime

molár (chim.) adj. m., pl. molári; f. sg. moláră, pl. moláre
Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic

molár s. m., (referitor la măsea) adj. m., pl. molári
Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic

MOLÁR molari m. Dinte gros şi lat, cu mai multe rădăcini, care serveşte la zdrobirea alimentelor; măsea. /<fr. molaire
Trimis de siveco, 22.08.2004. Sursa: NODEX

MOLÁR, -Ă adj. Referitor la mol. Concentraţie molară = molaritate. [cf. fr. molaire].
Trimis de LauraGellner, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DN

MOLÁR adj.m. Dinte molar (şi s.m.) = dinte mare, lat, cu care se macină alimentele; măsea. [cf. fr. molaire, lat (dens) molaris].
Trimis de LauraGellner, 14.06.2005. Sursa: DN

MOLÁR1 adj., s. m. (dinte mare, lat) cu care se sfarmă şi se macină alimentele; măsea. (< fr. molaire)
Trimis de raduborza, 15.09.2007. Sursa: MDN

MOLÁR2, -Ă adj. referitor la mol1. o soluţie molară = soluţie care conţine un mol substanţă la un litru de solvent. (< fr. molaire)
Trimis de raduborza, 15.09.2007. Sursa: MDN

MOLÁR3, -Ă adj. (fil.) considerat ca un tot. referitor la caracterul global al proceselor psihologice sau de comportament. (< fr. molaire)
Trimis de raduborza, 15.09.2007. Sursa: MDN

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  • Molar — may refer to: Molar (tooth), the fourth kind of tooth in mammals Molar (grape), another name for the Spanish wine grape Listan Negro Molar concentration, a unit of concentration, or molarity, of solutions equal to 1 mole per litre Molar volume El …   Wikipedia

  • Molar — ist: das Adjektiv zur Molarität, der Konzentrationsangabe in mol/l ein großer Backenzahn, siehe Molar (Zahn) eine portugiesische Rebsorte, Molar (Rebsorte) Siehe auch: El Molar Mollard …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • molar — verbo intransitivo 1. Uso/registro: coloquial. Gustar (una persona o una cosa) a una persona: Me mola tu camisa. La moto de Roberto mola muchísimo. 2. Uso/registro: coloquial. Presumir …   Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española

  • Molar — Mo lar, a. [L. molaris, fr. mola mill, fr. molere to grind in a mill. See {Mill} the machine.] Having power to grind; grinding; as, the molar teeth; also, of or pertaining to the molar teeth. Bacon. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • molar — mo lar (m[=o] l[ e]r or m[=o] l[aum]r), a. [L. moles mass.] (Chem.) Being at a concentration having the designated number of moles (of solute) per liter of solvent; as, an 0.2 molar solution of sodium chloride in water is close to isotonic. [PJC] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • molar — Se conjuga como: amar Infinitivo: Gerundio: Participio: molar molando molado     Indicativo   presente imperfecto pretérito futuro condicional yo tú él, ella, Ud. nosotros vosotros ellos, ellas, Uds. molo molas mola molamos moláis molan molaba… …   Wordreference Spanish Conjugations Dictionary

  • molar — adj. 2 g. 1. Próprio para moer; que mói. 2. Mole, brando. 3. Que tem casca pouco dura (amêndoa). 4. Diz se de vários frutos. • s. m. 5. Dente molar (queixal) …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

  • molar — Ⅰ. molar [1] ► NOUN ▪ a grinding tooth at the back of a mammal s mouth. ORIGIN from Latin mola millstone . Ⅱ. molar [2] ► ADJECTIVE ▪ acting on or by means of large masses or units …   English terms dictionary

  • molar — molar1 [mō′lər] adj. [L molaris, a mill < mola, millstone: see MILL1] 1. used for or capable of grinding 2. designating or of a tooth or teeth adapted for grinding n. a molar tooth: in humans there are usually twelve permanent molars, three on …   English World dictionary

  • molar — mo lar (m[=o] l[ e]r), a. [L. moles mass.] (Mech.) Of or pertaining to a mass of matter; said of the properties or motions of masses, as distinguished from those of molecules or atoms. [PJC] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Molar — Mo lar, n. (Anat.) Any one of the teeth back of the incisors and canines. The molars which replace the deciduous or milk teeth are designated as {premolars}, and those which are not preceded by deciduous teeth are sometimes called {true molars}.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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