
METABOLÍSM s.n. Totalitatea proceselor complexe de sinteză, de asimilare (cu înmagazinare de energie), de degradare şi de dezasimilare (însoţită de eliberare de energie), pe care le suferă substanţele dintr-un organism viu. Metabolism bazal = cantitatea de calorii produse într-o oră, în condiţii de repaus al organismului, raportată la un metru pătrat din suprafaţa corpului. – Din fr. métabolisme.
Trimis de RACAI, 30.09.2003. Sursa: DEX '98

METABOLÍSM s. (biol.) proces metabolic.
Trimis de siveco, 05.08.2004. Sursa: Sinonime

metabolísm s. n.
Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic

METABOLÍSM n. Ansamblu de transformări chimice şi biologice, pe care le suferă substanţele într-un organism viu; schimb de substanţe. /<fr. métabolisme
Trimis de siveco, 22.08.2004. Sursa: NODEX

METABOLÍSM s.n. Totalitatea proceselor nutritive de asimilaţie şi dezasimilaţie care se produc în organism. Metabolism bazal = cantitatea de căldură, exprimată în calorii, care se produce pe un metru pătrat la suprafaţa corpului unui individ într-o oră. [< fr. métabolisme, cf. gr. metaboleschimbare].
Trimis de LauraGellner, 28.10.2006. Sursa: DN

METABOLÍSM s. n. totalitatea proceselor nutritive de asimilaţie (anabolism) şi dezasimilaţie (catabolism) care se produc în organismele vii. metabolism bazal = cantitatea de căldură exprimată în calorii, care se produce pe un metru pătrat la suprafaţa corpului unui individ, într-o oră. (< fr. métabolisme)
Trimis de raduborza, 09.11.2008. Sursa: MDN

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  • Metabolism — Me*tab o*lism, n. (Physiol.) 1. The act or process, by which living tissues or cells take up and convert into their own proper substance the nutritive material brought to them by the blood, or by which they transform their cell protoplasm into… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • metabolism — metabolism. См. метаболизм. (Источник: «Англо русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд во ВНИРО, 1995 г.) …   Молекулярная биология и генетика. Толковый словарь.

  • metabolism — (n.) in physiology sense, 1878, from Fr. métabolisme, from Gk. metabole a change, from metaballein to change, from meta over (see META (Cf. meta )) + ballein to throw (see BALLISTICS (Cf. ballistics)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • metabolism — ► NOUN ▪ the chemical processes in a living organism by which food is used for tissue growth or energy production. DERIVATIVES metabolic adjective. ORIGIN from Greek metabol change …   English terms dictionary

  • metabolism — [mə tab′ə liz΄əm] n. [< Gr metabolē, change < meta, beyond (see META ) + ballein, to throw (see BALL2) + ISM] the chemical and physical processes continuously going on in living organisms and cells, consisting of anabolism and catabolism …   English World dictionary

  • Metabolism — Cell metabolism redirects here. For the journal, see Cell Metabolism. Structure of adenosine triphosphate, a central intermediate in energy metabolism Metabolism (from Greek: μεταβολή metabolē , change or Greek: μεταβολισμός metabolismos,… …   Wikipedia

  • metabolism — /meuh tab euh liz euhm/, n. 1. Biol., Physiol. the sum of the physical and chemical processes in an organism by which its material substance is produced, maintained, and destroyed, and by which energy is made available. Cf. anabolism, catabolism …   Universalium

  • Metabolism — The whole range of biochemical processes that occur within us (or any living organism). Metabolism consists both of anabolism and catabolism (the buildup and breakdown of substances, respectively). The term is commonly used to refer specifically… …   Medical dictionary

  • metabolism — me|tab|o|lis|m [mıˈtæbəlızəm] n [U and C] [Date: 1800 1900; : Greek; Origin: metabole change ] the chemical processes by which food is changed into energy in your body ▪ This drug speeds up your metabolism. protein/carbohydrate/alcohol etc… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • metabolism — n. 1) to disturb, upset smb. s metabolism 2) basal metabolism * * * [mə tæbəlɪz(ə)m] upset smb. s metabolism basal metabolism to disturb …   Combinatory dictionary

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