New York dialect — The New York dialect of the English language is spoken by many European Americans, and some non European Americans who were raised in New York City and much of its metropolitan area. It is one of the most recognizable dialects within American… … Wikipedia
Industrial agriculture — Agriculture General … Wikipedia
Linguistic anthropology — is that branch of anthropology that brings linguistic methods to bear on anthropological problems, linking the analysis of semiotic and particularly linguistic forms and processes to the interpretation of sociocultural processes.Historical… … Wikipedia
Transculturation — is a term coined by Cuban anthropologist Fernando Ortiz in 1947 to describe the phenomenon of merging and converging cultures. DefinitionFernando Ortiz explains the use of his neologism as follows:I am of the opinion that the word… … Wikipedia
Artificial society — is the specific agent based computational model for computer simulation in social analysis. It is mostly connected to the theme in complex system, emergence, Monte Carlo Method, computational sociology, multi agent system, and evolutionary… … Wikipedia
Decommodification — as a concept comes from the idea that in a market economy, individual persons (and their labor) are commodified. Given that labor is the individual s primary commodity in the market, decommodification refers to activities and efforts (generally… … Wikipedia
Social Threefolding — is a social movement which aims to reform society by increasing the independence of society s three realms (economy, polity and culture) in such a way that those three realms can mutually correct each other in an ongoing process. The movement… … Wikipedia
Cultural competence — refers to an ability to interact effectively with people of different cultures, particularly in the context of human resources, non profit organizations, and government agencies whose employees work with persons from different cultural/ethnic… … Wikipedia
Structural Pluralism — is a concept used to examine the way in which societies are structured, and specifically is a way to explain coverage differences in media markets. It is associated with philosophical, sociological and communication literature.Structural… … Wikipedia
Social psychology (sociology) — Sociological social psychology, also known as psychological sociology, is a specialty area of sociology that relates macrosocial phenomena (e.g. social class) to the attitudes and behavior of individuals. [House, J. S. (1977). The three faces of… … Wikipedia