- interlobar
- INTERLOBÁR, -Ă adj. (anat.) între lobii unui organ, în special ai plămânului. (< fr. interlobaire)Trimis de raduborza, 15.09.2007. Sursa: MDN
Dicționar Român. 2013.
Dicționar Român. 2013.
Interlobar — In ter*lo bar, a. (Anat.) Between lobes; as, the interlobar notch of the liver; the interlobar ducts of a gland. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
interlobar artery — n any of various secondary branches of the renal arteries that pass between the Malpighian pyramids and branch to form the arcuate arteries … Medical dictionary
interlobar vein — n any of the veins of the kidney that are formed by convergence of arcuate veins, pass between the Malpighian pyramids, and empty into the renal veins or their branches … Medical dictionary
Interlobar arteries — Infobox Artery Name = Interlobar arteries Latin = arteriae interlobares renis GraySubject = GrayPage = Caption = Interlobar arteries visible but not labeled. Caption2 = BranchFrom = renal artery, via segmental arteries and lobar arteries BranchTo … Wikipedia
Interlobar veins — Infobox Vein Name = PAGENAME Latin = venae interlobares renis GraySubject = GrayPage = Caption = Interlobar veins visible but not labeled. Caption2 = DrainsFrom = Source = arcuate veins DrainsTo = renal vein Artery = interlobar arteries MeshName … Wikipedia
Interlobar duct — A interlobar duct is a gland duct which connects more than one anatomic lobe. Examples of where it can be found include the parotid gland [http://www.usc.edu/hsc/dental/ghisto/gi/c 67.html] and submandibular gland.… … Wikipedia
interlobar — adj. * * * … Universalium
interlobar — Between the lobes of an organ or other structure. * * * in·ter·lo·bar .int ər lō bər, .bär adj situated between the lobes of an organ or structure * * * in·ter·lo·bar (in″tər loґbər) [inter + lobar] situated or occurring between… … Medical dictionary
interlobär — inter|lobä̱r, in fachspr. Fügungen: inter|loba̱ris, ...re [zu ↑inter... u. ↑Lobus]: zwischen den einzelnen Lungenlappen liegend, den Raum zwischen den Lungenlappen betreffend; z. B. in der Fügung ↑Arteriae interlobares … Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke
interlobär — in|ter|lo|bär <zu ↑inter... u. ↑lobär> zwischen den einzelnen Lungenlappen liegend, den Raum zwischen den Lungenlappen betreffend (Med.) … Das große Fremdwörterbuch