insurgent — in·sur·gent 1 /in sər jənt/ n 1: a person who rises in revolt against civil authority or an established government; esp: one not recognized as a belligerent 2: one that acts contrary to the established leadership (as of a political party, union,… … Law dictionary
insurgent — ⇒INSURGENT, subst. masc. A. HIST., au plur. Troupes hongroises levées extraordinairement pour le service de l État. (Dict. XIXe et XXe s.). Les insurgents s assemblèrent (Ac. 1835, 1878). B. 1. HIST., gén. au plur. Colons américains prenant parti … Encyclopédie Universelle
Insurgent — In*sur gent, a. [L. insurgens, p. pr. of insurgere to rise up; pref. in in + surgere to rise. See {Surge}.] Rising in opposition to civil or political authority, or against an established government; insubordinate; rebellious. The insurgent… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Insurgent — In*sur gent, n. [Cf. F. insurgent.] A person who rises in revolt against civil authority or an established government; one who openly and actively resists the execution of laws; a rebel. Syn: See {Rebel}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
insurgent — [adj] rebellious anarchical, contumacious, disobedient, factious, insubordinate, insurrectionary, mutinous, revolting, revolutionary, riotous, seditious; concept 401 Ant. obedient, subordinate insurgent [n] rebel agitator, anarch, anarchist,… … New thesaurus
insurgent — [in sʉr′jənt] adj. [L insurgens, prp. of insurgere, to rise up (against) < in , in, upon + surgere, to rise: see SURGE] rising up against established authority; rebellious; specif., a) designating or of a revolt or rebellion not well enough… … English World dictionary
Insurgent — Insurgent, lat. dtsch., Aufständischer; insurgiren, aufstehen, zum Aufstande reizen; Insurrection, Aufstand (s. d.); vor Zeiten in Ungarn das allgem. Aufgebot des Reichsadels … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
Insurgent — Insurgent,der:⇨Aufständische … Das Wörterbuch der Synonyme
insurgent — (n.) one who rises in revolt, 1765, from L. insurgentem (nom. insurgens), prp. of insurgere rise up, rise against, revolt, from in against, or perhaps merely intensive, + surgere to rise (see SURGE (Cf. surge)). An obsolete verb insurge to rise… … Etymology dictionary
insurgent — n *rebel, iconoclast … New Dictionary of Synonyms