
ANTI- Element de compunere însemnând "împotrivă", "în contră", "opus", care serveşte la formarea unor substantive şi adjective. – Din fr. anti-.
Trimis de ana_zecheru, 27.10.2004. Sursa: DEX '98

ANTI- Element prim de compunere savantă cu semnificaţia "împotriva", "(în) contra", "opus". [< lat. anti, gr. anti].
Trimis de LauraGellner, 09.09.2006. Sursa: DN

anti-pref. neol., introdus în fr. şi provenind din gr. ἀντί "contra." Se foloseşte atît cu cuvinte neol. (antialcoolic, antidiluvian, antitanc etc.) cît şi, mai rar, cu cuvinte din fondul tradiţional (antiromîn). În uzul curent s-a confundat uneori cu ante, astfel încît în loc de antecameră, s.f., astăzi se foloseşte numai anticameră, imitaţie după fr. antichambre.
Trimis de blaurb, 09.09.2006. Sursa: DER

ANTI-/ANT- pref. "împotriva", "(în) contra", "opus", "fals". (< fr. anti-, cf. lat., gr. anti)
Trimis de raduborza, 15.09.2007. Sursa: MDN

Dicționar Român. 2013.

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  • ANTI- — is an American record label founded in 1999 as a sister label of Epitaph Records. While Epitaph s focus is mostly on punk rock, ANTI has a more diverse roster, ranging from hip hop (Blackalicious), reggae (Buju Banton), comedy (Eddie Izzard),… …   Wikipedia

  • ANTI- — Création 1999 Siège social …   Wikipédia en Français

  • anti-g — [ ɑ̃tiʒe ] adj. inv. • 1956; abrév. de antigravitationnel ♦ Antigravitationnel. Combinaison spatiale anti g. ● anti g adjectif invariable Se dit d une combinaison destinée à combattre les effets d une pesanteur accrue par application d une… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Anti — may refer to:* [Anti] , Nicholas Berger, Son of Gary Berger. * Anti (mythology), was the ferryman who carried Isis to Set s island in Egyptian mythology. * Anti, or Campa, a tribe of South American Indians. * ANTI Contemporary Art Festival, a… …   Wikipedia

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  • anti- — [æntɪ ǁ æntɪ, æntaɪ] prefix opposed to or against something: • the anti business climate of the 1960s and 1970s • The bill is anti consumer and anti competitive. * * * anti UK US /ænti / US  /æntɑɪ/ prefix ► opposed to or against something: »Even …   Financial and business terms

  • anti- — pref. Elemento que indica oposição (ex.: antialérgico, anticristão).   ‣ Etimologia: grego anti, em face de, do lado oposto   • Nota: É seguido de hífen quando o segundo elemento começa por h, i, r ou s (ex.: anti higiênico, anti infeccioso, anti …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

  • Anti — ist: αντί, eine griechische Präposition und Vorsilbe mit der Bedeutung ‚gegen‘ oder ‚anstelle von‘, siehe Liste griechischer Präfixe ein US amerikanisches Independent Label, siehe ANTI Records eine altägyptische Gottheit, siehe Nemti eine… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • anti — as a stand alone word, attested from 1788 (n.), originally in reference to the anti federalists in U.S. politics (in the 1830s, of the Anti Masonic party); as an adjetive, from 1857. From ANTI (Cf. anti ) in various usages …   Etymology dictionary

  • anti- — element meaning against, opposed to, opposite of, instead, from O.Fr. anti and directly from L. anti from Gk. anti against, opposite, instead of, also used as a prefix, from PIE *anti against, also in front of (see ANTE (Cf. ante)). It appears in …   Etymology dictionary

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