
ANTÁRCTIC, -Ă, antarctici, -ce, adj. Situat la Polul Sud sau în regiunea Polului Sud; care are caractere proprii acestei regiuni. – Din fr. antarctique, lat. antarcticus.
Trimis de ana_zecheru, 16.02.2004. Sursa: DEX '98

antárctic adj. (sil. mf. ant-) → arctic
Trimis de siveco, 13.09.2007. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic

ANTÁRCTI//C antarcticcă (antarcticci, antarcticce) Care ţine de polul sud; propriu polului sud. Climă antarcticcă. /<fr. antarctique, lat. antarcticus
Trimis de siveco, 22.08.2004. Sursa: NODEX

ANTÁRCTIC, -Ă adj. De la polul sud; austral. [pl. -ci, -ce. / < fr. antarctique, cf. gr. antiîn faţă, arktosUrsa mare].
Trimis de LauraGellner, 02.03.2006. Sursa: DN

ANTÁRCTIC, -Ă adj. situat la Polul Sud; austral. (< fr. antarctique, lat. antarcticus)
Trimis de raduborza, 15.09.2007. Sursa: MDN

Dicționar Român. 2013.

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  • antarctic — [ant ärk′tik, antär′tik] adj. [ME antarik < OFr antartique < L antarcticus < Gr antarktikos, southern < anti , opposite + arktikos, ARCTIC] of or near the South Pole or the region around it the Antarctic the region including… …   English World dictionary

  • Antarctic — Ant*arc tic, a. [OE. antartik, OF. antartique, F. antarctique, L. antarcticus, fr. Gr. ?; ? + ? bear. See {Arctic}.] Opposite to the northern or arctic pole; relating to the southern pole or to the region near it, and applied especially to a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • Antarctic — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ relating to the region surrounding the South Pole. ORIGIN Greek antarktikos opposite to the north …   English terms dictionary

  • antarctic — /ant ahrk tik, ahr tik/, adj. 1. of, at, or near the South Pole. n. 2. the Antarctic, the Antarctic Ocean and Antarctica. [1325 75; < L antarcticus < Gk antarktikós (see ANT , ARCTIC); r. ME antartik ( < MF) < ML antarticus] * * * …   Universalium

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