
ELITÍSM, s.n. Concepţie, doctrină care susţine rolul determinant al elitei în societate. – Din fr. élitisme, engl. elitism.
Trimis de cata, 04.03.2008. Sursa: DEX '98

elitísm s. n.
Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic

ELITÍSM n. Concepţie care susţine rolul determinant al elitei în viaţa socială. /<fr. élitisme, engl. elitism
Trimis de siveco, 04.03.2008. Sursa: NODEX

ELITÍSM s. n. teorie care susţine rolul determinant al elitelor în mişcarea istorică şi în conducerea societăţii; teoria elitelor. ♢ politică, sistem care vizează formula elitelor. ♢ tendinţa de a avea în mod conştient o artă pentru elite. (< fr. élitisme, engl. elitism)
Trimis de raduborza, 15.09.2007. Sursa: MDN

Dicționar Român. 2013.

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  • Elitism — is the belief or attitude that some individuals, who form an elite a select group of people with intellect, wealth, specialized training or experience, or other distinctive attributes are those whose views on a matter are to be taken the most… …   Wikipedia

  • elitism — 1951; see ELITE (Cf. elite) + ISM (Cf. ism) …   Etymology dictionary

  • elitism — ► NOUN 1) the belief that a society or system should be run by an elite. 2) the superior attitude or behaviour associated with an elite. DERIVATIVES elitist adjective & noun …   English terms dictionary

  • elitism — [i lētiz΄əm, ā lēt′iz΄əm] n. 1. government or control by an elite 2. advocacy of control by, or privileges for, an elite 3. the fact of sensing or believing that one is a member of an elite …   English World dictionary

  • elitism — [[t]ɪli͟ːtɪzəm, eɪ [/t]] N UNCOUNT Elitism is the quality or practice of being elitist. Will severe selection standards create elitism and threaten the Olympic ethic of participation?... It became difficult to promote conventional ideas of… …   English dictionary

  • élitism — chiefly British variant of elitism …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • elitism — noun Date: 1947 1. leadership or rule by an elite 2. the selectivity of the elite; especially snobbery < elitism in choosing new members > 3. consciousness of being or belonging to an elite • elitist noun or adjective …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • elitism — e|lit|ism [ ı lit,ızəm ] noun uncount the belief that a small group of people who have a lot of advantages should keep the most power and influence: The older universities were accused of elitism. ╾ e|lit|ist adjective, noun count …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • elitism — UK [ɪˈliːˌtɪz(ə)m] / US [ɪˈlɪtˌɪzəm] noun [uncountable] the belief that a small group of people who have a lot of advantages should keep the most power and influence The older universities were accused of elitism …   English dictionary

  • elitism — /əˈlitɪzəm / (say uh leetizuhm), /eɪ / (say ay ), /i / (say ee ) noun 1. practice of or belief in rule by an elite. 2. consciousness of or pride in belonging to a select or favoured group. 3. snobbery; anti democratic sentiment: *As everywhere… …  

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