DOCTG — doctori gladiatorum … Abbreviations in Latin Inscriptions
doctor — DÓCTOR, doctori, s.m. 1. Persoană cu studii superioare care se ocupă cu vindecarea, tratarea sau prevenirea bolilor umane şi animale; medic. 2. Titlu ştiinţific înalt acordat de o instituţie academică sau de învăţământ superior; persoană care are … Dicționar Român
Johann Hildebrand Withof — (* 27. Juni 1694 in Lengerich; † 13. Februar 1769 in Duisburg) war Professor für Beredsamkeit und Geschichte in Duisburg. Berühmt geworden ist er durch seine Geschichte der Stadt Duisburg. Als Mitglied der Res publica litteraria gehö … Deutsch Wikipedia
doctorici — DOCTORICÍ vb. IV v. doftorici. Trimis de claudia, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98 A DOCTORIC//Í doctoriciésc tranz. pop. v. A DOCTORI. /v. a doctori Trimis de siveco, 22.08.2004. Sursa: NODEX … Dicționar Român
Блументрост, Лаврентий Алферьевич — архиятер; род. в 1619 г., ум. в октябре 1705 г. Уроженец Мюльгаузена и сын суперинтендента, Блументрост первоначальное воспитание получил в местной и брауншвейгской гимназиях, затем изучал медицину в Гельмштедте у Кокринга, в Йене у Рольфинга и в … Большая биографическая энциклопедия
Battle of Monte Cassino — Part of World War II, Italian Campaign Ruins of Cassino town after the battle … Wikipedia
Anton Praetorius — (1560 ndash; 6 December 1613) was a German Calvinist pastor who spoke out against the persecution of witches (witchhunts, witchcraft trials) and against torture.Life and writings Praetorius was born in Lippstadt as the son of Matthes Schulze. He… … Wikipedia
Lili Sandu — Infobox actor name = Lili Sandu Img size = 215 birthdate = birth date and age|1979|5|28|mf=y birthplace = Tulcea, Romania occupation = Actress, SingerLili Sandu (born May 28, 1979, in Tulcea, Romania) is a Romanian singer and actress. She… … Wikipedia
John Fowler (Catholic scholar) — John Fowler (b. Bristol, England, 1537; d. Namur, present day Belgium, 13 Feb., 1578 9) was a Catholic scholar and printer. He studied at Winchester College from 1551 to 1553, when he proceeded to New College, Oxford where he remained till 1559.… … Wikipedia
Anton Praetorius — (* 1560 in Lippstadt; † 6. Dezember 1613 in Laudenbach an der Bergstraße) war ein deutscher Pfarrer, reformierter Theologe, Schriftsteller (Hexentheoretiker) und Kämpfer gegen Hexenprozesse und Folter. Hexenverbrennung … Deutsch Wikipedia