
clinostát s. n., pl. clinostáte
Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic

CLINOSTÁT s.n. Aparat pentru cercetarea direcţiei de creştere a plantelor. [pl. -te. / < fr. clinostat, cf. gr. klinein – a se îndoi, statos – stând].
Trimis de LauraGellner, 19.12.2004. Sursa: DN

CLINOSTÁT s. n. aparat pentru cercetarea direcţiei de creştere a plantelor. (< fr. clinostat)
Trimis de raduborza, 15.09.2007. Sursa: MDN

Dicționar Român. 2013.

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  • Clinostat — Other names Klinostat, horizontal clinostat, single axis clinostat Uses reduces the effect of gravity on organisms, chiefly used with plants Inventor Julius von Sachs Related items random positioning machine A clinostat is a device which uses… …   Wikipedia

  • Clinostat — Cli no*stat, n. [Gr. ? to incline + ? to make to stand.] (Bot.) An apparatus consisting of a slowly revolving disk, usually regulated by clockwork, by means of wich the action of external agents, as light and gravity, on growing plants may be… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Clinostat — Un clinostat (ou Klinostat) est un appareil de laboratoire qui utilise la rotation pour réduire les effets de la gravité sur la croissance de végétaux (étude du forçage du développement cellulaire gravitropisme) ou embryonnaire (gravimorphisme)… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • clinostat — noun A rotating device that is used to investigate gravitropism in plants …   Wiktionary

  • clinostát — s. n., pl. clinostáte …   Romanian orthography

  • clinostat — cli·no·stat …   English syllables

  • clinostat — /ˈklaɪnoʊstæt/ (say kluynohstat) noun an apparatus for slowly rotating a plant so that all its sides are equally subjected to a unilateral stimulus, as light or gravity. {clino + stat} …  

  • clinostat — ˈklīnəˌstat noun ( s) Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary clin + stat; originally formed as German klinostat : an apparatus consisting of a slowly revolving disk usually regulated by clockwork by means of which the action of external… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Klinostat — Clinostat Un clinostat (ou Klinostat) est un appareil de laboratoire qui utilise la rotation pour réduire les effets de la gravité sur la croissance de végétaux (étude du forcage du développement cellulairegravitropisme) ou embryonnaire… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Random positioning machine — Infobox Laboratory equipment name = random positioning machine caption = acronym = other names = 3D clinostat uses = rotates biological samples around two independent axes to elimante the effect of gravity inventor = T. Hoson manufacturer = Dutch …   Wikipedia

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