- cheirospasm
- CHEIROSPÁSM s. n. mişcare convulsivă a mâinii. (< fr. chéirospasme)Trimis de raduborza, 15.09.2007. Sursa: MDN
Dicționar Român. 2013.
Dicționar Român. 2013.
cheirospasm — Rarely used term for spasm of the muscles of the hand, as in writers cramp. SYN: chirospasm. [cheiro + G. spasmos, spasm] * * * chei·ro·spasm (kiґro spaz″əm) [cheiro + spasm] spasm of the muscles of the hand … Medical dictionary
cheirospasm — n. chirospasm, spasm that occur in the muscles of the hand, writer s cramp … English contemporary dictionary
chirospasm — SYN: cheirospasm. * * * chi·ro·spasm (kiґro spaz″əm) cheirospasm … Medical dictionary
chirospasm — n. cheirospasm, spasm that occur in the muscles of the hand, writer s cramp … English contemporary dictionary
chirospasms — n. cheirospasm, spasm that occur in the muscles of the hand, writer s cramp … English contemporary dictionary