
CASUARÍNA s. f. gen de arbori din Australia şi Indomalaiesia, cu ramuri în formă de nuiele şi cu lemn foarte tare. (< fr., lat. casuarina)
Trimis de raduborza, 15.09.2007. Sursa: MDN

Dicționar Român. 2013.

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  • casuarina — [ kazɥarina ] n. m. • 1786; lat. bot. casuaris, de casoaris « casoar », à cause des rameaux plumeux de cet arbre ♦ Bot. Grand arbre d Australie et de Malaisie (casuarinacées) à caractères morphologiques primitifs, appelé bois de fer à cause de… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • casuarina — [kazh΄o͞o ə rē′nə] n. 〚ModL < Malay kasuārī, CASSOWARY: so named because the twigs are similar to the bird s feathers〛 any of a genus (Casuarina) of trees of the casuarina family native chiefly to Australia, esp. a species ( C. equisetifolia)… …   Universalium

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  • casuarina — [kazh΄o͞o ə rē′nə] n. [ModL < Malay kasuārī, CASSOWARY: so named because the twigs are similar to the bird s feathers] any of a genus (Casuarina) of trees of the casuarina family native chiefly to Australia, esp. a species ( C. equisetifolia)… …   English World dictionary

  • Casuarina — Cas u*a*ri na, n. [NL., supposed to be named from the resemblance of the twigs to the feathers of the cassowary, of the genus {Casuarius}.] (Bot.) A genus of leafless trees or shrubs, with drooping branchlets of a rushlike appearance, mostly… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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