
ABOLIŢIONÍSM s.n. Mişcare politică apărută la sfârşitul secolului al XVIII-lea, care urmărea desfiinţarea sclaviei negrilor din America; p. gener. mişcare politică ce susţine desfiinţarea sclaviei. [pr.: -ţi-o-] – Din fr. abolitionnisme.
Trimis de ana_zecheru, 12.07.2002. Sursa: DEX '98

aboliţionísm s. n. 1. mişcare politică apărută la sfârşitul sec. XVIII în S.U.a., care susţinea desfiinţarea sclavajului. 2. curent de opinie care susţine necesitatea abolirii unor relaţii sociale, a unui regim politic, unei pedepse. (< fr. abolitionnisme)
Trimis de tavi, 08.01.2003. Sursa: MDN

aboliţionísm s. n. (sil. -ţi-o-), art. aboliţionísmul, g.-d. art. aboliţionísmului
Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic

ABOLIŢIONÍSM n. Mişcare politică în S.U.a. care urmărea abolirea sclavagismului. [Sil. -ţi-o-] /<fr. abolitionnisme
Trimis de siveco, 22.08.2004. Sursa: NODEX

ABOLIŢIONÍSM s.n. Mişcare politică în plină dezvoltare în prima jumătate a sec. XIX în S.U.a., prin care se propaga desfiinţarea sclaviei negrilor cu scopul de a obţine forţă de muncă liberă pentru industria şi agricultura capitalistă. [pron. -ţi-o-. / < fr. abolitionnisme].
Trimis de LauraGellner, 11.12.2005. Sursa: DN

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  • Abolitionism — Ab o*li tion*ism, n. The principles or measures of abolitionists. Wilberforce. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • abolitionism — (n.) 1790, in the anti slavery sense, from ABOLITION (Cf. abolition) + ISM (Cf. ism) …   Etymology dictionary

  • Abolitionism — For other uses, see Abolitionism (disambiguation). Anti slavery redirects here. For the British NGO working for the eradication of slavery, see Anti Slavery International. Am I Not A Man And A Brother? Medallion as part of the anti slavery… …   Wikipedia

  • abolitionism — /ab euh lish euh niz euhm/, n. the principle or policy of abolition, esp. of slavery of blacks in the U.S. [1800 10; ABOLITION + ISM] * * * (с 1783–1888) Movement to end the slave trade and emancipate slaves in western Europe and the Americas.… …   Universalium

  • abolitionism — A term associated with protest on grounds of inhumanity and call for the abolition of: first, slavery (see, for example, the work of, 1759 1833); and, more recently, prisons and imprisonment. The latter stance developed within Scandinavian… …   Dictionary of sociology

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  • Abolitionism (disambiguation) — *Abolitionism, the movement to end human slavery. *Abolitionism (animal rights), the movement to end the property status of animals. *Abolitionism (bioethics), the use of biotechnology to eliminate involuntary sentient suffering.ee also*Abolition …   Wikipedia

  • abolitionism — noun Date: 1808 principles or measures fostering abolition especially of slavery • abolitionist noun or adjective …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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