canábis — s. m. 1. O mesmo que haxixe. 2. [Botânica] O mesmo que cânhamo indiano. ‣ Etimologia: latim cannabis, is, cânhamo … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
Canabis sativa L. — sėjamoji kanapė statusas Aprobuotas sritis augalininkystė apibrėžtis Kanapinių (Cannabaceae) šeimos vienmetis žolinis pluoštinis, prieskoninis, vaistinis augalas. atitikmenys: lot. Canabis sativa L. angl. hemp vok. Kultur Hanf, m rus. посевная… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
Canabis — Dieser Artikel behandelt die Pflanzengattung Hanf. Zur Pflanzenart Hanf (Cannabis sativa) siehe Hanf (Art). Zu Hanf als Droge bzw. Medizin siehe Cannabis als Rauschmittel und als allgemeine Nutzpflanze Nutzhanf. Zum Stadtteil Hanf von Hennef… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Canabis — Chanvre Cet article concerne le chanvre. Pour les autres significations du mot cannabis, voir Cannabis (homonymie) … Wikipédia en Français
Effets du canabis sur la santé — Effets du cannabis sur la santé Demande de traduction Nom original ici → … Wikipédia en Français
biticlín — canabis … Colombianismos
Bingley Five Rise Locks — is a staircase lock on the Leeds and Liverpool Canal at Bingley (gbmapping|SE107399). As the name implies, a boat going up the lock is lifted in five stages.DescriptionIn effect the 5 rise consists of five locks connected together with (as always … Wikipedia
Theodor Korselt — Ernst Julius Theodor Korselt (24 November 1891 ndash; 25 August 1943) was a German jurist, genealogist, and homeland researcher ( Heimatforscher ). The government councillor was sentenced to death for negatively influencing Germany s fighting… … Wikipedia
Masud Rana — Cover of a typical Masud Rana book titled Shei Kuasha … Wikipedia
Halton Moor — is a district of east Leeds, West Yorkshire, England. The area is three miles to the east of Leeds City Centre, and is close to the A63 dual carriageway. It is situated between Killingbeck to the north, Temple Newsam to the south, East End Park… … Wikipedia