- burduş
- BURDÚŞ s.n. v. burduf.Trimis de valeriu, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX '98
Dicționar Român. 2013.
Dicționar Român. 2013.
Burdus — This uncommon and interesting surname is of French locational origin, and is an Anglicized form of Bordeaux , from the city so called in Gironde, France, apparently named with Old Aquitanian roots of obscure significance, burd and gala . Other… … Surnames reference
burduşi — BURDUŞÍ, burduşesc, vb. IV. 1. tranz. A umple ceva ca pe un burduf (1); a îndesa, a ticsi. ♦ refl. (Rar; despre ape) A se umfla. 2. refl. (Despre tencuiala sau varul de pe pereţi, despre placajul unei mobile etc.) A se scoroji, a se coşcovi. 3.… … Dicționar Român
borde — I (Del germ. bord, orilla.) ► sustantivo masculino 1 Extremo u orilla de alguna cosa: ■ el borde de la falda; el borde del abismo. SINÓNIMO margen linde límite 2 Contorno de la boca de una vasija: ■ el vino se salía por los bordes de la jarra. 3… … Enciclopedia Universal
Birdis — This uncommon and interesting surname is of French locational origin, but was initially associated with the county of Yorkshire in England. It is an anglicized form of the name of the famous city of Bordeaux in Northern France. Recorded in many… … Surnames reference
Bourdas — This uncommon and interesting surname is of French locational origin, but was initially associated with the county of Yorkshire in England. It is an anglicized form of the name of the famous city of Bordeaux in Northern France. Recorded in many… … Surnames reference
Bourdice — This uncommon and interesting surname is of French locational origin, but was initially associated with the county of Yorkshire in England. It is an anglicized form of the name of the famous city of Bordeaux in Northern France. Recorded in many… … Surnames reference
Bourdis — This uncommon and interesting surname is of French locational origin, but was initially associated with the county of Yorkshire in England. It is an anglicized form of the name of the famous city of Bordeaux in Northern France. Recorded in many… … Surnames reference
Burdas — This uncommon and interesting surname is of French locational origin, but was initially associated with the county of Yorkshire in England. It is an anglicized form of the name of the famous city of Bordeaux in Northern France. Recorded in many… … Surnames reference
Burdass — This uncommon and interesting surname is of French locational origin, but was initially associated with the county of Yorkshire in England. It is an anglicized form of the name of the famous city of Bordeaux in Northern France. Recorded in many… … Surnames reference
Burdess — This uncommon and interesting surname is of French locational origin, but was initially associated with the county of Yorkshire in England. It is an anglicized form of the name of the famous city of Bordeaux in Northern France. Recorded in many… … Surnames reference