
YAM s.m. Denumire engl. pentru ignamă; rădăcina comestibilă, groasă, lungă de până la un metru şi în greutate de până la 1 kg, de culoare brună sau gălbuie-roşcată, a unei plante cultivate în America de Sud, Africa şi Asia (Dioscorea batatas), bogată în amidon şi utilizată la fel ca şi cartofii, având gust asemănător cu batatele.
Trimis de gal, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DGE

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  • Yam! — Yam Beschreibung Jugendzeitschrift, alles über Pop Musik, Film und Fernsehen, Lebenshilfe und Partnerschaft Verlag Axel Springer Verlag Erstausgabe 13. September 2000 …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Yam.de — Yam Beschreibung Jugendzeitschrift, alles über Pop Musik, Film und Fernsehen, Lebenshilfe und Partnerschaft Verlag Axel Springer Verlag Erstausgabe 13. September 2000 …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • yam — /yam/, n. 1. the starchy, tuberous root of any of various climbing vines of the genus Dioscorea, cultivated for food in warm regions. 2. any of these plants. 3. the sweet potato. 4. Scot. potato (def. 1). [1580 90; cf. Gullah nyam, Jamaican E… …   Universalium

  • Yam — may refer to:*Yam (vegetable), common name for members of Dioscorea *Sweet potato, particularly in its yellow or orange fleshed cultivars *Yam (god), a Levantine deity *Yam (route), a Mongolian supply point system *A colloquially New Zealand term …   Wikipedia

  • YAM — bezeichnet: Yams, Nutzpflanze der Pflanzengattung Dioscorea, auch Yams oder Yamswurzel Yam (Zeitschrift), deutsches Jugendmagazin Yam (Fluss), Fluss im Nordosten von Thailand Yam (Festival), internationales Young Art Meeting Yam (Ägyptische… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Yam — bezeichnet: Yams, Nutzpflanze der Pflanzengattung Dioscorea, auch Yams oder Yamswurzel Yam (Zeitschrift), deutsches Jugendmagazin Yam (Fluss), Fluss im Nordosten von Thailand Yam (Festival), internationales Young Art Meeting YAM bezeichnet: Yet… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Yam — (y[a^]m), n. [Pg. inhame, probably from some native name.] 1. (Bot.) A large, esculent, farinaceous tuber of various climbing plants of the genus {Dioscorea}; also, the plants themselves. Mostly natives of warm climates. The plants have netted… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • yam — [yam] n. [Port inhame, prob. < WAfr native name] 1. a) the edible, starchy, tuberous root of any of several tropical climbing plants (genus Dioscorea) of the yam family, widely grown in the tropics for food b) any of these plants 2. any of… …   English World dictionary

  • yam — (n.) 1580s, from Port. inhame or Sp. igname, from a West African language (Cf. Fulani nyami to eat; Twi anyinam species of yam ); the word in American and Jamaican English probably is directly from West African sources …   Etymology dictionary

  • YAM — may refer to:* Yet Another Mailer a MIME compliant email client written for AmigaOS based computers. * The IATA code for Sault Ste. Marie Airport, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada.* Is also used as an abbreviation for Your Mum …   Wikipedia

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