- urticare
- URTICÁRE s.f. v. urticarie.Trimis de ana_zecheru, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX '98URTICÁRE s.f. v. urticarie.Trimis de LauraGellner, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DN
Dicționar Român. 2013.
Dicționar Român. 2013.
urticarie — URTICÁRIE, urticarii, s.f. Boală care se manifestă prin apariţia pe piele a unor băşicute de culoare roşie, însoţite de mâncărime. ♦ p. gener. (pop.) Eczemă. [var.: urticáre s.f.] – Din fr. urticaire. Trimis de ana zecheru, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX … Dicționar Român
urticate — intransitive verb ( cated; cating) Etymology: Medieval Latin urticatus, past participle of urticare to sting, from Latin urtica Date: 1843 to produce wheals or itching; especially to induce hives • urtication noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
urticant — /err ti keuhnt/, adj. urticating. [1865 70; < ML urticant (s. of urticans), prp. of urticare to sting. See URTICATE] * * * … Universalium
urticate — /err ti kayt /, v., urticated, urticating. v.t. 1. to sting with or as if with nettles. 2. to whip with or as if with nettles, esp. so as to produce a stinging sensation; flog; lash. v.i. 3. to sting in the manner of a nettle. [1835 45; < ML… … Universalium
urticant — urticant, ante [ yrtikɑ̃, ɑ̃t ] adj. • 1864; lat. mod. , de urtica « ortie » ♦ Didact. Dont la piqûre ou le contact produit une urtication sur la peau humaine, une démangeaison. Feuilles urticantes de l ortie. Organe urticant des méduses. ●… … Encyclopédie Universelle
urtication — [ yrtikasjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1759; lat. urticatio ♦ Didact. Sensation de piqûre d ortie qui accompagne l urticaire. ● urtication nom féminin Réaction inflammatoire de la peau, accompagnée d une sensation de brûlure. ⇒URTICATION, subst. fém. A. PATHOL.… … Encyclopédie Universelle
urticate — [ ə:tɪkeɪt] verb sting or prickle like a burn from a nettle. Derivatives urtication noun Origin C19 (earlier (C17) as urtication): from med. L. urticat , urticare to sting , from L. urtica (see urticaria) … English new terms dictionary
urticate — ur•ti•cate [[t]ˈɜr tɪˌkeɪt[/t]] v. i. cat•ed, cat•ing pat (of skin) to erupt with hives • Etymology: 1835–45; < ML urtīcātus, ptp. of urtīcāre to sting, der. of L urtīca nettle ur ti•ca′tion, n … From formal English to slang
urticate — [ʉrt′ə kāt΄] vt., vi. urticated, urticating [< ML urticatus, pp. of urticare, to sting < L urtica, a nettle, prob. < urere, to burn: see UREDO] to sting with or as with nettles … English World dictionary
urticate — v.tr. sting like a nettle. Derivatives: urtication n. Etymology: med.L urticare f. L urtica: see URTICARIA … Useful english dictionary