
ULTRAVIOLÉT, -Ă, ultravioleţi, -te, adj. (Despre radiaţiile electromagnetice; şi substantivat, f. pl.) Care are lungimea de undă mai mică decât lungimea de undă minimă a radiaţiilor vizibile. [pr.: -vi-o-] – Din fr. ultraviolet.
Trimis de ana_zecheru, 17.06.2002. Sursa: DEX '98

ultraviolét adj. m., (sil. -vi-o-), pl. ultravioléţi; f. sg. ultraviolétă, pl. ultravioléte
Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic

ULTRAVIOLÉ//T ultraviolettă (ultravioletţi, ultraviolette) (despre radiaţii electromagnetice) Care are lungimea de undă mai mică decât cea a radiaţiilor violete vizibile. Raze ultraviolette. [Sil. -vi-o-] /<fr. ultraviolet
Trimis de siveco, 22.08.2004. Sursa: NODEX

ULTRAVIOLÉT, -Ă adj. Raze ultraviolete (şi s.f. pl.) = radiaţii electromagnetice invizibile, asemănătoare luminii, dar de o frecvenţă mai mare, situate în spectru dincolo de violet. // s.n. Domeniu spectral corespunzător radiaţiilor ultraviolete. [pron. -vi-o-. / cf. fr. ultraviolet].
Trimis de LauraGellner, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DN

ULTRAVIOLÉT, -Ă I. adj. (despre radiaţii electromagnetice; şi s. f. pl.) a căror lungime de undă se situează dincolo de extremitatea violetă a spectrului. II. s. n. domeniu spectral corespunzător radiaţiilor ultraviolete. (< fr. ultraviolet)
Trimis de raduborza, 15.09.2007. Sursa: MDN

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  • ULTRAVIOLET — L’ultraviolet est le domaine des radiations électromagnétiques s’étendant depuis la limite violette du spectre visible (400 nm) jusqu’à la région des rayons X mous, qu’il recouvre partiellement (cf. figure). Cette délimitation repose… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • Ultraviolet — Ul tra*vi o*let, a. [Pref. ultra + violet.] (Physics) Lying outside the visible spectrum at its blue violet end; said of light more refrangible (i. e. having a shorter wavelength) than the extreme violet rays of the visible spectrum.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • ultraviolet — [ul΄trə vī′ə lit] adj. 1. pertaining to a band of electromagnetic radiation having wavelengths (from c. 5 to c. 400 nanometers) that are shorter than violet light 2. of, pertaining to, or producing radiation of such wavelengths n. ultraviolet… …   English World dictionary

  • ultraviolet — beyond the violet end of the visible spectrum, 1840, from ULTRA (Cf. ultra ) + VIOLET (Cf. violet). Ultra red (1870) was a former name for what now is called infra red …   Etymology dictionary

  • ultraviolet — ► NOUN ▪ electromagnetic radiation having a wavelength just shorter than that of violet light but longer than that of X rays. ► ADJECTIVE ▪ denoting such radiation …   English terms dictionary

  • Ultraviolet — UV redirects here. For other uses, see UV (disambiguation). UVB redirects here. For the mysterious shortwave radio station in Russia, see UVB 76. For other uses, see Ultraviolet (disambiguation). False color image of the Sun s corona as seen in… …   Wikipedia

  • Ultraviolet A — One of the three types of invisible light rays (together with ultraviolet B and ultraviolet C) given off by the sun. Although ultraviolet C is the most dangerous type of ultraviolet light in terms of its potential to harm life on earth, it cannot …   Medical dictionary

  • Ultraviolet B — One of the three types of invisible light rays (together with ultraviolet A and ultraviolet C) given off by the sun. Although ultraviolet C is the most dangerous type of ultraviolet light in terms of its potential to harm life on earth, it cannot …   Medical dictionary

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