- triskelion
- TRISKELIÓN s. n. motiv decorativ cu trei braţe egale şi extremităţile frânte la 900. (< fr. triskelion)Trimis de raduborza, 22.12.2008. Sursa: MDN
Dicționar Român. 2013.
Dicționar Român. 2013.
Triskelion — Tris*kel i*on, or Triskele Tris kele, n. [Gr. ? three legged. See {Tri }; {Isosceles}.] A figure composed of three branches, usually curved, radiating from a center, as the figure composed of three human legs, with bent knees, which has long been … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
triskelion — figure consisting of three branchess radiating from a center, 1880, earlier triskelos (1857), from Gk. triskeles three legged, from tri three + skelos leg (see SCALENE (Cf. scalene)) … Etymology dictionary
triskelion — [tris′kēl΄tris kel′ē än΄] n. pl. triskelia [tris kel′ēə] [< Gr triskelēs, three legged < tri ,TRI + skelos, leg < IE base * (s)kel , to bend, a joint of the body > L calx, heel, Gr kylindros, cylinder] a design, usually symbolic,… … English World dictionary
Triskelion — A triskelion or triskele (both from the Greek gr. τρισκέλιον or gr. τρισκελής , for three legged ) is a symbol consisting of three interlocked spirals, or three bent human legs, or any similar symbol with three protrusions and a threefold… … Wikipedia
Triskelion — Typisches Beispiel für eine Triskele Die Triskele, auch der oder das Triskel (von griech. τρισκελης „dreibeinig“), ist ein Symbol in Form von drei radialsymmetrisch angeordneten Kreisbögen, offenen Spiralen, ineinander verschachtelten Dreiecken,… … Deutsch Wikipedia
triskelion — or triskele noun Etymology: triskelion from New Latin, from Greek triskelēs three legged, from tri + skelos leg; triskele from Greek triskelēs more at isosceles Date: circa 1857 a figure composed of three usually curved or bent branches radiating … New Collegiate Dictionary
Triskelion Order of Business — The Triskelion Order of Business (TOB) is the first and only business fraternity in the Philippines.Founded on 22 February 2004, it nests on two of the country s most prestigious professional schools, the Ateneo de Manila Graduate School of… … Wikipedia
triskelion — A three legged structure assumed by clathrin isolated from coated vesicles. A trimer of clathrin (180 kD) with three light chains is probably the physiological subunit of clathrin coats in coated vesicles … Dictionary of molecular biology
triskelion — /tri skel ee on , euhn, truy /, n., pl. triskelia /tri skel ee euh, truy /. a symbolic figure consisting of three legs, arms, or branches radiating from a common center, as the device of Sicily and the Isle of Man. Also, triskele /tris keel, truy … Universalium
triskelion — noun a) Any figure or object composed of three interlocked spirals, limbs (especially bent human legs), or any similar symbol with three protrusions and a threefold rotational symmetry. b) The symbol of Sicily, and of the Isle of Man … Wiktionary