- trifor
- TRIFÓR, -Ă adj. (arhit.; despre o deschidere) cu trei uşi sau canaturi despărţite prin colonete. (< it. trifora)Trimis de raduborza, 15.09.2007. Sursa: MDN
Dicționar Român. 2013.
Dicționar Român. 2013.
triforium — [trīfôr′ē əm] n. pl. triforia [trīfôr′ēə] [ML < L tri ,TRI + foris,DOOR] a gallery or arcade in the wall above the arches of the nave, choir, or transept of a church … English World dictionary
Abbey of Saint-Germain d'Auxerre — The Abbey of Saint Germain d Auxerre was a Benedictine monastery in southern France, dedicated to its founder Saint Germain of Auxerre, the bishop of Auxerre, who died in 478. The Abbey reached the apex of its cultural importance during the… … Wikipedia