tantrism — Tantrism is a philosophical and religious stream that can be found in Buddhism, JAINISM, and Hin duism. Tantrism derives from the term tantra, which in certain usages defines systems and texts that contrast themselves with the Vaidika or… … Encyclopedia of Hinduism
Tantrism — Tan trism, n. The system of doctrines and rites taught in the tantras. {Tan trist}, n. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
tantrism — tantra ► NOUN 1) a Hindu or Buddhist mystical or magical text. 2) adherence to the doctrines or principles of the tantras, involving mantras, meditation, yoga, and ritual. DERIVATIVES tantric adjective tantrism noun. ORIGIN Sanskrit, loom,… … English terms dictionary
Tantrism — noun see tantra … New Collegiate Dictionary
Tantrism — n. Tantra; movement in Hinduism and Buddhism based on mudras and erotic rites … English contemporary dictionary
tantrism — tan·trism … English syllables
Tantrism — /ˈtæntrɪzəm/ (say tantrizuhm), /ˈtʌn / (say tun ) noun Hinduism 1. the doctrine of the books of Tantra, teaching that the visible world presents an unending dance of the believers with the Divine, in which unity of the worshipper with the… …
Tantrism — noun 1. movement within Buddhism combining elements of Hinduism and paganism • Derivationally related forms: ↑Tantric, ↑Tantrist • Hypernyms: ↑Buddhism • Member Meronyms: ↑Tantrist 2. doctrine of enlightenment as the realization of the oneness … Useful english dictionary
White tantrism — is a form of sexual alchemy which involves a man and a woman making sexual contact then transmuting their sexual energies whilst remaining still throughout the act and withdrawing without orgasm. It is regarded by its practitioners as an… … Wikipedia
Tantrist — Tantrism Tan trism, n. The system of doctrines and rites taught in the tantras. {Tan trist}, n. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English