Subtext — is content of a book, play, musical work, film, video game or television series which is not announced explicitly by the characters (or author) but is implicit or becomes something understood by the observer of the work as the production unfolds … Wikipedia
subtext — underlying theme of a work of literature, 1950, from SUB (Cf. sub) + TEXT (Cf. text). Originally a term in Konstantin Stanislavsky s theory of acting. Earlier it was used in a lit. sense of text appearing below other text on a page (1726) … Etymology dictionary
subtext — ► NOUN ▪ an underlying theme in a piece of writing or speech … English terms dictionary
subtext — [sub′tekst΄] n. 1. the complex of feelings, motives, etc. conceived of by an actor as underlying the actual words and actions of the character being portrayed 2. an underlying meaning, theme, etc. subtextual adj … English World dictionary
Subtext — Unter Subtext versteht man in der Linguistik und in den Künsten eine Bedeutungsebene, die der expliziten Aussage eines Satzes bzw. eines Kunstwerks als zusätzliche Ausdrucksdimension unterlegt ist. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Definition 2 Beispiele für… … Deutsch Wikipedia
subtext — UK [ˈsʌbˌtekst] / US noun [countable] Word forms subtext : singular subtext plural subtexts a) an idea in a book, film etc that is not clearly stated but can be understood The drama has an interesting political subtext. b) a true but not directly … English dictionary
subtext — [[t]sʌ̱btekst[/t]] subtexts N VAR: usu with supp The subtext is the implied message or subject of something that is said or written. Europe s divisions are the subtext of a new movie thriller called Zentropa … English dictionary
subtext — sub|text [ˈsʌbtekst] n [C usually singular] a hidden or second meaning behind someone s words or actions ▪ What s the subtext here? What s the writer really saying? … Dictionary of contemporary English
subtext — sub|text [ sʌb,tekst ] noun count an idea in a book, movie, etc. that is not clearly stated but can be understood: The drama has an interesting political subtext. a. a true but not directly expressed meaning of something that someone says … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
subtext — noun (C) a hidden or second meaning in something that someone says or writes: Whatever their text, the subtext is always this: political repression … Longman dictionary of contemporary English