1hoar frost — f8 [hoar frost] [ˈhɔː frɒst] [ˈhɔːr frɔːst] noun uncountable a layer of small pieces of ice that look like white needles and that form on surfaces outside when temperatures are very low …
2hoar|frost — «HR FRST, FROST; HOHR », noun. the white, feathery crystals of ice formed when dew freezes; white frost; rime …
3hoar frost — ► NOUN ▪ a greyish white feathery deposit of frost …
4hoar-frost — UK [ˈhɔː(r) ˌfrɒst] US [ˈhɔrˌfrɑst] noun [singular/uncountable] very small pieces of white ice that cover plants and the ground Thesaurus: frost, icy weather and freezingsynonym …
5hoar-frost — šerkšnas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Iš rūko ir garų susidariusios dendritinės struktūros ledo nuogulos. atitikmenys: angl. hoar frost rus. иней …
6hoar-frost — šarma statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Ledo kristalų sluoksnis, nusėdęs ant žemės paviršiaus ir įvairių daiktų kondensuojantis vandens garams. Susidaro, kai oro drėgmė didelė, o žemės paviršius, išspinduliuodamas šilumą,… …
7hoar frost — A type of icing that occurs in clear air on a surface whose temperature falls below the frost point of the air in contact with it. The water vapor condenses into white crystalline coating of ice that is usually of a feathery nature. This type of… …
8hoar-frost — n. White frost, frozen dew …
9hoar frost — noun frozen water vapour deposited in clear still weather on vegetation and other surfaces …
10hoar-frost — UK [ˈhɔː(r) ˌfrɒst] / US [ˈhɔrˌfrɑst] noun [singular/uncountable] very small pieces of white ice that cover plants and the ground …