1Woe From Wit _Горе от ума , Александр Грибоедов (1824)
We present to readers the translation of the comedy in verses“Woe from Wit” by A. S. Griboyedov made by the English poet and translator Mary Hobson. Представляем читателям… 400 руб электронная книга2Горе от ума _ Woe from Wit , А. С. Грибоедов (2011)
Одна из "главных" русских классических пьес, во все времена - непременная принадлежность театральной афиши… 279 руб3Ethan Frome , Эдит Уортон (2012)
От издателя:This is the "Penguin English Library Edition" of" Ethan Frome" by Edith Wharton.&# 039;He seemed a part of the mute melancholy landscape, an incarnation of its frozen woe, with… 160 грн (только Украина)4Ethan Frome , Wharton E. (2016)
He seemed a part of the mute melancholy landscape, an incarnation of its frozen woe, with all that was warm and sentient in him fast bound below the surface'. Ethan Frome works his unproductive… 396 руб5Intelligent Credit Scoring. Building and Implementing Better Credit Risk Scorecards , Naeem Siddiqi
A better development and implementation framework for credit risk scorecards Intelligent Credit Scoring presents a business-oriented process for the development and implementation of risk prediction… 3248.72 руб электронная книга