on the surface

  • 61Surface computing — is the term for the use of a specialized computer GUI in which traditional GUI elements are replaced by intuitive, everyday objects. Instead of a keyboard and mouse, the user interacts directly with a touch sensitive screen. It has been said that …


  • 62Surface caching — is a computer graphics technique pioneered by John Carmack, first used in the computer game Quake . The traditional method of lighting a surface is to calculate the surface from the perspective of the viewer, and then apply the lighting to the… …


  • 63The Dark Elf Trilogy — is a prequel to the Icewind Dale Trilogy by R. A. Salvatore. Drizzt Do Urden, a drow, or dark elf, was originally written as a supporting character in the Icewind Dale Trilogy to Wulfgar the barbarian. However, the author soon realized how… …


  • 64The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Primary and Secondary Phases — The terms Primary Phase and Secondary Phase describe the first two radio series of The Hitchhiker s Guide to the Galaxy . [The spelling of Hitchhiker s Guide has varied in different editions. For consistency this article always spells it this way …


  • 65Surface freezing — is the appearance of long range crystalline order in a near surface layer of a liquid. The surface freezing effect is opposite to a far more common surface melting, or premelting. Surface Freezing was experimentally discovered in melts of alkanes …


  • 66The Method of Mechanical Theorems — is a work by Archimedes which contains the first attested explicit use of infinitesimals.[1] The work was originally thought to be lost, but was rediscovered in the celebrated Archimedes Palimpsest. The palimpsest includes Archimedes account of… …


  • 67Surface water sports — The following is a list of surface water sports; these are sports which are performed atop a body of water.kurfingSkurfing a popular surface watersport in which the participant is towed on a surfboard, behind a boat, with a ski rope. Skurfing is… …


  • 68surface tension — n the attractive force exerted upon the surface molecules of a liquid by the molecules beneath that tends to draw the surface molecules into the bulk of the liquid and makes the liquid assume the shape having the least surface area * * * the… …

    Medical dictionary

  • 69The Culture — is a fictional interstellar anarchist, socialist, and utopian[1][2] society created by the Scottish writer Iain M. Banks which features in a number of science fiction novels and works of short fiction by him, collectively called the Culture… …


  • 70The Phantom Empire — Directed by Otto Brower B. Reeves Eason Produced by …
