make unfit

  • 41unfitting — v. make unfit, disqualify adj. incompetent, unsuitable; not in good physical shape …

    English contemporary dictionary

  • 42indispose — verb archaic make unfit for or averse to something …

    English new terms dictionary

  • 43disable — To make unfit physically or to incapacitate one to transact business. As used in a statute defining mayhem, the word is held to import a permanent disability, and not a mere temporary one. Vawter v Commonwealth, 87 Va 245, 12 SE 339; Anno: 58 ALR …

    Ballentine's law dictionary

  • 44unprepare — “+ transitive verb Etymology: un (I) + prepare : to cause to be unprepared : make unfit or unready the purpose … is precisely to unprepare the reader W.M.Frohock …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 45unsuit — |ən+ transitive verb Etymology: un (II) + suit : to make unfit long periods of staff duty tend to disqualify and unsuit the once promising commander H.H.Arnold & I.C.Eaker …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 46de|na|ture — «dee NAY chuhr», transitive verb, tured, tur|ing. 1. to change the nature of. 2. to make unfit for eating or drinking without destroying its usefulness for other purposes: »denatured alcohol. 3. Biochemistry. to change the properties of (a… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 47dev|as|tate — «DEHV uh stayt», transitive verb, tat|ed, tat|ing. to lay waste; destroy; ravage; make unfit to live in: »A long war devastated the country. The storms and floods that have devastated much of central and northern Italy have no precedent in… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 48un|fit´ness — un|fit «uhn FIHT», adjective, verb, fit|ted, fit|ting. –adj. 1. not fit; not suitable. 2. not good enough; unqualified. 3. not adapted. –v.t …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 49un|fit´ly — un|fit «uhn FIHT», adjective, verb, fit|ted, fit|ting. –adj. 1. not fit; not suitable. 2. not good enough; unqualified. 3. not adapted. –v.t …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 50un|fit — «uhn FIHT», adjective, verb, fit|ted, fit|ting. –adj. 1. not fit; not suitable. 2. not good enough; unqualified. 3. not adapted. –v.t …

    Useful english dictionary