make unfit

  • 31des´o|late|ly — des|o|late «adjective. DEHS uh liht; verb. DEHS uh layt», adjective, verb, lat|ed, lat|ing. –adj. 1. not producing anything; laid waste; devastated; barren: »desolate land. SYNONYM(S) …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 32des|o|late — «adjective. DEHS uh liht; verb. DEHS uh layt», adjective, verb, lat|ed, lat|ing. –adj. 1. not producing anything; laid waste; devastated; barren: »desolate land. SYNONYM(S) …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 33dis|a|ble — «dihs AY buhl», transitive verb, bled, bling. 1. to make unable; make unfit for use or action; cripple: » A sprained ankle disabled the football player for three weeks. She was disabled by polio. SYNONYM(S): See syn. under cripple. (Cf. ↑cripple) …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 34Exotic pollution — is a general definition that includes attacks involving nuclear, chemical, or biological agents intended to cause harm or contaminate and make unfit for also*environmental warfare …


  • 35deaden — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) v. t. benumb; muffle; damp. See insensibility, impotence, silence. II (Roget s IV) v. 1. [To reduce life or the evidence of life] Syn. blunt, impair, dull, numb, desensitize, repress, slow, paralyze,… …

    English dictionary for students

  • 36disqualifies — dis·qual·i·fy || dɪs kwÉ’lɪfaɪ v. make unfit; deny, deprive of official status; declare ineligible …

    English contemporary dictionary

  • 37disqualify — dis·qual·i·fy || dɪs kwÉ’lɪfaɪ v. make unfit; deny, deprive of official status; declare ineligible …

    English contemporary dictionary

  • 38disqualifying — dis·qual·i·fy || dɪs kwÉ’lɪfaɪ v. make unfit; deny, deprive of official status; declare ineligible …

    English contemporary dictionary

  • 39unfits — v. make unfit, disqualify adj. incompetent, unsuitable; not in good physical shape …

    English contemporary dictionary

  • 40unfitted — adj. not fittedv. make unfit, disqualify adj. incompetent, unsuitable; not in good physical shape …

    English contemporary dictionary