kind act

  • 71Criminal Law (Temporary Provisions) Act (Singapore) — Criminal Law (Temporary Provisions) Act A police officer equipped with a firearm and handcuffs An Act to make temporary provisions for the maintenance of public order, the control of supplies by sea to Singapore, and the prevention of strikes and …


  • 72Companies Act 2006 — The Companies Act 2006[1] Parliament of the United Kingdom Long title An Act to reform company law and restate the greater part of the enactments relatin …


  • 73Wiley Act — Pure Food and Drug Act Le Pure Food and Drud Act, aussi appelé Wiley Act, est une importante loi fédérale américaine votée en 1906 et dont l objectif est notamment : « empècher la production, la vente et le transport de nourriture, de… …

    Wikipédia en Français

  • 74Cooperative Funds Act — The Cooperative Funds Act is a United States law, or series of laws, which authorized the United States Forest Service (FS) to collect donations from private partners to perform FS work. Contributions had to be voluntary, and by cash, check, or… …


  • 75Criminal Law Act 1826 — The Criminal Law Act 1826[1] Parliament of the United Kingdom Long title An Act for improving the Administration of Criminal Justice in England …


  • 76Criminal Tribes Act — A Government of Bengal, CID pamphlet, on Gobinda Doms Gang, under the Criminal Tribes Act (VI of 1924), dated 1942.[1] The term Criminal Tribes Act (CTA) applies to various successiv …


  • 77Maryland Toleration Act — A large broadside reprint of the Maryland Toleration Act Other names Act Concerning Religion …


  • 78Newlands Reclamation Act — The Reclamation Act (also known as the Lowlands Reclamation Act or National Reclamation Act) of 1902 (Pub.L. 57 161) is a United States federal law that funded irrigation projects for the arid lands of 20 states in the American West. The act at… …


  • 79National Environmental Policy Act — For other uses of NEPA , see NEPA (disambiguation). National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 Full title National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 Acronym NEPA Enacted by the 91st United States Congress …


  • 80Civil Rights Act of 1866 — The Civil Rights Act of 1866, 14 Stat. 27, enacted April 9, 1866, is a federal law in the United States that was mainly intended to protect the civil rights of African Americans, in the wake of the American Civil War. The Act was… …
