half a semibreve

  • 131quaver — Synonyms and related words: Bebung, accidental, anthem, aphonia, artificial voice, ballad, bob, bobble, bounce, break, breve, broken speech, broken tones, broken voice, bump, carol, chant, chatter, childish treble, chirp, chirrup, choir, choked… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 132report — Synonyms and related words: Agnus Dei, Benedicite, Gloria, Gloria Patri, Gloria in Excelsis, Introit, Magnificat, Miserere, Nunc Dimittis, PR, Te Deum, Trisagion, Vedic hymn, accidental, acclaim, account, account rendered, accounting, accuse,… …

    Moby Thesaurus