1China Fast Forward. The Technologies, Green Industries and Innovations Driving the Mainland's Future , Bill Dodson
Will China Surpass the United States as an innovation nation? China is tirelessly working to overcome its technological deficiencies by driving R&D initiatives in government and business and adapting… 2081.26 руб электронная книга2Predictive Business Analytics. Forward Looking Capabilities to Improve Business Performance , Gary Cokins
Discover the breakthrough tool your company can use to make winning decisions This forward-thinking book addresses the emergence of predictive business analytics, how it can help redefine the way… 3248.72 руб электронная книга3Building an Innovative Learning Organization. A Framework to Build a Smarter Workforce, Adapt to Change, and Drive Growth , Russell Sarder
Institute a culture of learning to boost organizational performance and agility What makes organizations successful? Today, most successful companies are learning organizations. Building an… 1625.99 руб электронная книга4Leadership Language. Using Authentic Communication to Drive Results , Chris Westfall
The only language you need to know to change your results. Inside each of us is a vision of how things could be. Yet most people remain frustrated by a lack of impact, unable to connect and inspire… 1625.99 руб электронная книга5PreparedU. How Innovative Colleges Drive Student Success , Rosabeth Kanter Moss
How can we as parents, educators, and members of the business community prepare students to be successful leaders in today's global environment? It's a critically important question. Gloria Cordes… 1947.93 руб электронная книга6Leading Across New Borders. How to Succeed as the Center Shifts , Ernest Gundling
An insightful, real-world look at the skills today's global leadership demands Leading Across Borders is the leadership guide for the new business environment. The world's economic center of gravity… 1951.19 руб электронная книга7Sales Growth. Five Proven Strategies from the World's Sales Leaders , Marc Benioff
The challenges facing today's sales executives and their organizations continue to grow, but so do the expectations that they will find ways to overcome them and drive consistent sales growth. There… 1947.93 руб электронная книга8Profit&Purpose. How Social Innovation Is Transforming Business for Good , Kyle Westaway
Why has Warby Parker been able to make such dramatic inroads against the behemoths in the long established eyeglass market? How has Method revolutionized the soap aisle? Amid the cacophony of online… 3508.88 руб электронная книга9Killer Analytics. Top 20 Metrics Missing from your Balance Sheet , Mark Brown Graham
Learn the secrets to using analytics to grow your business Analytics continues to trend as one of the hottest topics in the business community today. With ever-growing amounts of business data and… 3251.98 руб электронная книга10Business Analytics for Managers. Taking Business Intelligence Beyond Reporting , Jesper Thorlund
The intensified used of data based on analytical models to control digitalized operational business processes in an intelligent way is a game changer that continuously disrupts more and more markets… 3248.72 руб электронная книга