Not on

  • 31not´ed|ly — not|ed «NOH tihd», adjective. well known; specially noticed; famous: »Samson was noted for his strength. Kipling is a noted author. SYNONYM(S): renowned, celebrated, distinguished, conspicuous. See syn. under famous. (Cf. ↑famous) –not´ed|ly,… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 32not|ed — «NOH tihd», adjective. well known; specially noticed; famous: »Samson was noted for his strength. Kipling is a noted author. SYNONYM(S): renowned, celebrated, distinguished, conspicuous. See syn. under famous. (Cf. ↑famous) –not´ed|ly, adverb.… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 33not a … — not a… | not one… idiom used for emphasis to mean ‘no thing or person’ • He didn t speak to me not one word. Main entry: ↑notidiom …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 34Not — Not, a. Shorn; shaven. [Obs.] See {Nott}. [1913 Webster] …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 35not — a good idea, forget it    Maybe we should buy a Lada. Not …

    English idioms

  • 36Not — Not: Das gemeingerm. Wort für »Zwang, Bedrängnis« (mhd., ahd. nōt, got. nauÞs, engl. need, schwed. nöd) ist mit der baltoslaw. Sippe von russ. nuda »Zwang, Nötigung«, nudit« »zwingen, nötigen« verwandt. Alle weiteren Anknüpfungen sind unsicher.… …

    Das Herkunftswörterbuch

  • 37Not — Not, e Die Menschen im Katastrophengebiet leiden große Not …

    Deutsch-Test für Zuwanderer

  • 38not — ► ADVERB 1) used to form or express a negative. 2) less than: not ten feet away. ORIGIN contraction of NOUGHT(Cf. ↑nought) …

    English terms dictionary

  • 39not- — [nōt] prefix combining form NOTO : used before a vowel …

    English World dictionary

  • 40not-me — see not I …

    Useful english dictionary