
  • 51Wives and Daughters , Elizabeth Gaskell (2003)
    Gaskell's last novel, widely considered her masterpiece, follows the fortunes of two families in nineteenth century rural England. At its core are family relationships - father, daughter and… 215 руб

  • 52Java Head , Joseph Hergesheimer (1918)
    1918. American novelist Hergesheimer has been called a naturalist writing of the romantic past. He is also the author of short stories, essays, biographies, and the autobiography, From an Old House… 1310 руб

  • 53The Bright Shawl , Joseph Hergesheimer (1922)
    1922. American novelist Hergesheimer has been called a naturalist writing of the romantic past. He is also the author of short stories, essays, biographies, and the autobiography, From an Old House… 1308 руб

  • 54My Boyhood , John Burroughs (1922)
    1922. John Burroughs, the American naturalist, was best known for his essays on nature. This book contains some sketches of his boyhood and early farm life. He had an intense love of his birthplace… 1310 руб

  • 55Cape Cod Folks , Sarah P. McLean Greene (1908)
    1908. A minor work by Thoreau, Cape Cod illustrates the qualities that define his greatest works: his clarity and ease of style, and his concreteness as a naturalist and observer of nature and… 1826 руб

  • 56The Voyage of the Beagle , Darwin Charles (1997)
    Charles Darwin's travels around the world as an independent naturalist on HMS Beagle between 1831 and 1836 impressed upon him a sense of the natural world's beauty and sublimity which language could… 373 руб

  • 57George Clausen and the Picture of English Rural Life , McConkey Kenneth (2012)
    In telling the story of Clausen's life and career, McConkey unveils an artist of unusual integrity and singleness of purpose. At no time in his career of sixty years did Clausen settle into a formula… 5103 руб

  • 58Wives and Daughters , Gaskell Elizabeth Cleghorn (2003)
    Gaskell's last novel, widely considered her masterpiece, follows the fortunes of two families in nineteenth century rural England. At its core are family relationships - father, daughter and… 254 руб

  • 59The Correspondence of Charles Darwin , Darwin Charles (2013)
    This volume is part of the definitive edition of letters written by and to Charles Darwin, the most celebrated naturalist of the nineteenth century. Notes and appendixes put these fascinating and… 9224 руб

  • 60Therese Raquin , Эмиль Золя (2008)
    От издателя:One of Zola&# 039;s most famous realistic novels, Therese Raquin is a clinically observed, sinister tale of adultery and murder among the lower classes in nineteenth-century… 146 грн (только Украина)