- scună
- SCÚNĂ s. f. elem. schooner.Trimis de raduborza, 15.09.2007. Sursa: MDN
Dicționar Român. 2013.
Dicționar Român. 2013.
scuna — scù·na s.f. var. → schooner … Dizionario italiano
AICSA — The Australian Intervarsity Choral Societies Association (AICSA) is a non profit organisation which represents university choirs throughout Australia, and is responsible for maintaining the schedule of annual choral festivals. AICSA was… … Wikipedia
Cippus perusinus — The Cippus Perusinus or Cippus of Perugia is a stone tablet discovered on the hill of San Marco, near Perugia, Italy, in 1822. The tablet bears 46 lines of Etruscan text exquisitely carved into it. Surprisingly well preserved , the cippus is… … Wikipedia
Skuna River — The Skuna River is a tributary of the Yalobusha River, about 75 mi (120 km) long, in north central Mississippi in the United States. Via the Yalobusha and Yazoo Rivers, it is part of the watershed of the Mississippi River.CourseThe Skuna River… … Wikipedia
Cippus Perusinus — The Cippus of Perugia, 3rd or 2nd century BCE The Cippus Perusinus is a stone tablet discovered on the hill of San Marco, near Perugia, Italy, in 1822. The tablet bears 46 lines of Etruscan text exquisitely carved into it. Thi … Wikipedia
Cippo perugino — Face avant du cippe de Pérouse dit Cippo perugino. Transcription du texte du cippo pe … Wikipédia en Français
σκούνα — η, Ν ναυτ. κοινή ονομασία τών ιστιοφόρων πλοίων που είναι γνωστά ως πάρωνες, κν. μπρίκια, ή μυοπάρωνες, κν. γολετόμπρικα. [ΕΤΥΜΟΛ. < ιταλ. scuna] … Dictionary of Greek
schooner — schoo·ner s.m.inv. ES ingl. {{wmetafile0}} TS mar. → 2goletta {{line}} {{/line}} VARIANTI: scooner, scuna, scuner. DATA: 1799. ETIMO: orig. incerta … Dizionario italiano
schooner — [SCÚNĂR] s. n. / scúnă s. f. navă cu vele, cu două catarge înclinate, asemănătoare cu goeleta, folosită pentru pescuit şi cabotaj. (< engl., fr. schooner) Trimis de raduborza, 28.05.2008. Sursa: MDN … Dicționar Român
goletta — goletta1 /go let:a/ s.f. [dim. di gola ]. 1. (abbigl.) [guarnizione, oggi disus., della camicia da uomo, o risvolto di abito da donna attorno al collo] ▶◀ collarino, colletto, solino, [di lino o pizzo increspato nei costumi maschili e femminili… … Enciclopedia Italiana