Samoed — Samoed, Samoid etc.: see Samoyed … Useful english dictionary
Samoid — Samoed, Samoid etc.: see Samoyed … Useful english dictionary
Samoyed — also Samoyede noun Etymology: Russian samoed, from Old Russian samoyadi, of Sami origin; akin to North Sami sápmi (genitive sámi) Sami homeland & eatnam , eana land Date: 1589 1. a member of any of a group of peoples inhabiting the far north of… … New Collegiate Dictionary
First All-Union Census of the Soviet Union — The First All Union Census of the Soviet Union took place in 1926. It was an important tool in the state building of the USSR, provided the government with important ethnographic information, and helped in the transformation from Imperial Russian … Wikipedia
Unternehmen Albion — Teil von: Erster Weltkrieg (Seekrieg) … Deutsch Wikipedia
Джемс, Ричард — Ричард Джемс[1], Ричард Джеймс (англ. Richard James, 1582(1582), Ньюпорт, остров Уайт декабрь 1638, Вестминстер) английский путешественник XVII века, пастор, учёный и поэт. Был участником посольства короля Якова I к царю Михаилу… … Википедия
Samojede — Sa|mo|je|de 〈m. 17〉 Angehöriger eines uralischen, mongoloiden Volkes, eigener Name: Nenze * * * Samojede, nordische Haushunderasse, besonders Sibiriens, mit breitem, flachem Kopf, kurzen, an der Spitze abgerundeten Ohren und meist weißem,… … Universal-Lexikon
samoan — SAMOÁN, Ă, samoani, e, s.m. şi f., adj. 1. s.m. şi f. Persoană născută şi crescută în Samoa. 2. adj., s.m. şi f. (Locuitor) din Samoa. ♦ (Substantivat, f.) Limbă polineziană din familia de limbi malaiezo polineziene, vorbită în Samoa de Vest. [ … Dicționar Român
Samojede — Sa|mo|je|de der; n, n <aus gleichbed. russ. samoed, nach den Samojeden, Völkern der subarktischen Tundra u. Taiga, von denen diese Hunderasse zuerst gezüchtet wurde> Nordlandhund mit weicher, langer weißer Behaarung, der als Wach u.… … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
Samoyed — [ saməjɛd, ˌsamɔɪjɛd] noun 1》 a member of a group of mainly nomadic peoples of northern Siberia. 2》 any of several Samoyedic languages of these peoples. 3》 a dog of a white Arctic breed. Origin from Russ. samoed … English new terms dictionary