- popsi
- PÓPSI s. v. dos, fund, popou, şezut.Trimis de siveco, 13.09.2007. Sursa: Sinonime
Dicționar Român. 2013.
Dicționar Român. 2013.
Cahier numérique — Le cahier numérique est un cahier où une trame très fine (700 000 points de 0,1 mm de diamètre par feuille) est imprimée. La lecture des positions relatives de quelques points permet de trouver la position absolue sur la feuille. Un stylo spécial … Wikipédia en Français
List of Pepsi types — PepsiCo has produced a number of variations on its primary cola, Pepsi, over the years, including: Colas *Pepsi: PepsiCo s signature cola flavor and its namesake cola. **Diet Pepsi: The sugarfree equivalent.*Pepsi Free: Introduced in 1982 by… … Wikipedia
Cesarewitch Handicap — Handicap race Cesarewitch Handicap Location Rowley Mile Newmarket, England Inaugurated 1839 Race type Flat / Thoroughbred Sponsor Betfred Website … Wikipedia
Suvisaaristo — (Swedish: Sommaröarna) is a maritime district in Espoo, Finland, districts number 451 and 452, and an archipelago in the Gulf of Finland, directly in front of a peninsula in Soukka, in the southwestern corner of Espoo.Inhabitants of Suvisaaristo… … Wikipedia
HKScan — Oyj (OMX: [http://www.omxnordicexchange.com/hintatiedot/microsite/shareinformation/?InstrumentId=HEX24273 HKSAV] ) is an originally Finnish manufacturer of meat foods and products, but nowadays their product range also includes ready meals and… … Wikipedia
Nice Peter — NicePeter Background information Born Rochester, NY Genres Hip Hop, Comedy … Wikipedia
şezut — ŞEZÚT, (II) şezuturi, s.n. I. Faptul de a şedea; şedere. II. 1. Partea inferioară, dorsală a trunchiului omenesc, pe care se sprijină corpul în timpul şederii; dos, fund. ♦ p. restr. Anus. 2. (înv.) Locuinţă, domiciliu. – v. şedea. Trimis de… … Dicționar Român